Bg3 druid weak reddit. Gather your party and venture forth! .
Bg3 druid weak reddit Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. People underestimate druid but with all the summons in your disposal and moon druid forms you are essentially one man team. Gather your party and venture forth! So, back in EA, we've BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I can clearly see that the druid is a class that requires game knowledge and skill to play well. Druid might be the worst class in the game but it's still good enough to beat the entire game and have fun with it. drastically stronger single class than any use as a dip. Gather your party and venture forth! It is common knowledge that phb dragonborn are quite weak, which was fixed in Fizzban. 4. If not, literally use whatever you're proficient in. Once you get to lvl 6, it's joever for your enemies. In BG1/2, Jaheria was a Fighter/Druid who could really hold the front lines all on her own, which makes it odd that they didn’t do that for Jaheria in BG3 where she’s a full Druid, and I don’t personally find Fighter/Druid to be that great in BG3 compared to BG2. Moon druid : pure moon druid is very reliable, the most gear independent class in the game, strong and very fun, just get tavern brawler and your build is done. The It's clunky and weaker than other builds, but it is not weak. In 5e wildshape for non moon druids limits you to CR 1 creatures at level 8, while in bg3 every land and spore druid can turn into a sabertooth tiger with 3 attacks and a bucket of HP. Gather your party and venture forth! In contrast, Druid and Paladin both start becoming much more powerful post-level 5 (Paladins get their Auras, Druid gets owlbear which is a big upgrade on previous Wild Shapes, at Levels 5-6 Spores Druid gets abilities to reanimate undead which opens up a lot more minion-based strategies which they don't have before that). Also, you probably haven't reached that point, but turning into an air myrmidon and stunning every enemy feels really good when said enemies have such powerful attacks. and i asked them about bard, they reckon the bard aboslutley Land Druid gets Armor of Landfall (+1 to spell save DC, advantage on Consitition saves/concentration saves, you heal in plant areas and can cast Plant Growth for free). Gather your party and venture forth! It has A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Spore Druid may be weaker in 1 to 1 to Land or Moon druid, but in party setting he becomes the most powerful out of these 3. As for spellcasting, Druid is a jack of all trades. We don’t unlock owlbear till 6 which wasn’t available in early access. Cull the Weak procs from the Spike's damage no matter how it's applied. In a perfect world archfey would have dryad summon on their spell list (insane they don’t). In BG3, they have low AC, low damage and lower HP (compared to 5e) So, I was REALLY sad when started playing BG3, picked moon druid and it just felt short? Almolst every class feel powerful in this game, even when compared to their PnP counterpart, Sorcs have really amazing power spikes with all the metamagic, Monks had an amazing ovehaul and even with some nerfs gloomstalkers are just Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. The lack of gear certainly doesn’t help with the removal of atunement slots and Most Martials miss out on 2 extra atks/round in Honour mode (Haste/Bloodlust), but the Druid loses 4 extra atks/round, which is substantial. I've played quite a few druid builds and I feel like they're just weak across the board when compared with other classes. (This healing is unmodified though so recovering 4-5 HP for a spell slot is a bad investment and the main reason the feature never gets used in 5E). Gather your party and venture forth! they aren't weak. The only reason for having a druid in the party is role-playing. Still a moon druid at level four should be able to turn into a brown bear that has 34 hp and multiattack. Wizards suck compared to sorcs, warlocks, clerics, etc in BG3. Maybe they will scale better. They feel so weak at level 5 compared to other classes :( They could've balanced them without nerfing all their stats and removing abilities. Now i'm playing as a Warlock. It's only significantly better than that because it's both a very good caster and a passable martial. Gather your party and venture forth! I am having a lot of fun with a Moon Druid build. 10 Moon Druid / 2 Warlock for Devil's Sight; don't bother with Cha, you're in warlock only for Devil's Sight. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Fighter is just really solid in this game due to items. Gather your party and venture forth! The state of Druid is really fucked too, because it has an endlessly deep toolbox of spells and abilities, by all means it should be one of if not the best class in the A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Probably a bit too strong with how BG3 handles the wet condition but honestly not that strong once you consider stuff like tempest cleric and sorcerer. Gather your party and venture forth! Tavern Brawler basically does exactly the same thing as a pure Dex monk, except attack and damage rolls get an extra +Str. Wildshape in bg3 is MUCH stronger than it is in 5e. Larian actually made some improvements to Spore Druid undead summons as compared to tabletop, because even getting the undead followers on a spore druid in tabletop is a hell of a hurdle. Personally would do a barb 5/druid 7 split, purely for druid summons. Barbarians get rage at level one. In BG3, there aren't enough spells or creative ways to get around encounters that are exclusive to the wizard compared to other classes. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gaming. Which Druid Subclass to play? Question I’m new to this kind of game and never played Druid before. Not every game has the druid class available, and less still actually have a good version of the druid. Losing out on the TB dmg riders Land Druid is typically the worst of the 3 as you need Warcaster to properly Haste yourself and not get your concentration broken, which means you will need to put off getting TB until lv8 and One option is to take land/spores druid, and wildshape with your regular action. Only problem with wildhshape is some forced dialogues pick your companions when you are wildshaped. There isn't much to really "build. Period. If you want to focus on melee then Circle of Moon can do a lot. In BG3 a moon druid gets a polar bear with 30 hp, AC 12, no multi attack and 2d4 +4 slashing damage. surfaces don't stack, so afaik you can't put a Web over some ice or grease or Spike Growth or Evard's Tentacles a Druid or Beastmaster gets infinite concentration free web, so spending a slot and Concentration on it can feel a bit silly For low level control I think Grease is better: If you really want to min/max a class in BG3 or 5E the best things to look at are Action Economy, and ability to position or get the most of all types of actions. Or check it out in the app stores BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. It feels like they do not fill a role better than any other class. Gather your party and venture forth! Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Things didn't feel like they started to heat up until around level 6. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I main a moon druid in D&D, and honestly the scaling is pretty accurate at these low levels. A druid pretending to be a martial using wild shape exclusively means you kind of just have a bad martial. My first play through of the game was with my Druid. You know which spells you want to prepare and there isn't the option for many of the more niche utility spells. Gather your party and venture forth! MOD Anyone have issues with Monk being weak? Character Build So I'm almost level 5 now, but the monk is really weak for me, quite squishy and definitively not A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. But BG3 absolutely nails the class fantasy in almost every way. You have to bring a Druid or nature cleric to do that now though. Although I will agree, the forms outside of bear feel weak. Wild shape is overpowered in 5E, but it doesn’t feel as great in BG3. The youtube vids and Reddit made it sound like the cocaine bear but I am getting my rear kicked left, right, and center. Land druid ends up being a better moon druid at this point. Two thoughts about this: Not sure how your combat is going, but for me prior to Owl Bear I'm still often getting knocked out of animal on the 1st or 2nd round. Web is a bit weak though. Warlocks are also fun but Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Gather your party and venture forth! Beyond that moon druid is kinda gimped in BG3, at least in it's current state, due to not being able to do any actions on spells they concentrate on as well as their multiattack bear not actually having multiattack (though they do get access to flying forms earlier than you would in tabletop). Gather your party and venture forth! If you want to use flameblade extensively but don't want to play a druid, College of Lore bards can steal spells from other spell lists. I would just start as a barb and then put the rest of your points into Druid. Our polar bear form does less damage than a black bear BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. In BG3 there are less spells total, and some spells stand out compared to the others. Karlach will be 1 shotting enemies while you are missing attacks or hitting for maybe 20 dmg per hit. Reply reply I really like Druid or bard A lot of other classes can learn all of that AND more. i don't have access to my save to get the specifics right now but just damage stacking. The gear-free wild shape druid is like a C-tier class, and if that's how you're gonna play it, it will be outperformed badly by martials. The combat makes for creative play style. Both in offense and defense. You also get all the good utility spells like longstrider BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Moon I think this is basically correct if we discard Fly-related cheese like Hamarhraft and Spirit Guardians. This makes him a lot stronger than any form the PC can use though I get he is supposed to be a higher level druid. The biggest problem is that Owlbear is your best form by far and the I’ve experimented with all three Druid subclasses on Jaheira and I feel like Circle of the Moon is the only one that’s kinda worth it. In all but the Spore druid categories, you’ll want to take Druid to level 11 or 12. Gather your party and venture forth! If they were strong overall with a weak capstone, that'd be fine, but they are a bit behind overall with a garbage capstone. Gather your party and venture forth! I found that a Fighter/Druid multiclass works very well for this. Druid: The weak silent weirdo who literally "hulks out" into different wildshapes in combat or for utility (An alternative version of Bruce Banner) We're into the roleplay, but i also want to enjoy the game mechanics itself and get best of both worlds in terms of rolepaly and being actually useful in combats, utility and social interactions with npcs. I am What level spells can Wizard/ Druid get? Looks like it's going to be pretty weak, as you are forfeiting higher level spells on two classes that very much rely on them without getting much in return, with a lot of overlap (spell damage, aoe, crowd control, buff/debuff, with the wizard leaning more towards aoe debuffing/ control and the druid leaning towards buffing/ healing). Use your wildshapes mostly and spells when you feel like it. Wildshaping if the encounter needs something a bit tankier or for the utility. Polar Bear) and gets additional features, such as additional times to attack while in his animal forms. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Moon druid definitely feels weak compared not only to the other druid subclasses, but to every other class. All in all, Druid is a fantastic class with 3 perfectly good and usable subclasses, which is a blessing because that isn't true for all of the classes. Reply reply Im using a karlach frenzy barbarian with tavern brawler, im a bard, my buddy is a druid So the difference between a Moon Druid in BG3 and Land is that Moon get to wildshape as a bonus action while in combat and a feature to heal 1d8 per spell slot consumed to a wildshape in combat. Gather your party and venture forth! The level 7 spore druid gets to upcast flame blade, but the level 4 spore druid gets access to 3 levels of thief for a third bonus action. Druids in BG3 except spores, are pretty poor at having a functional reaction. Tomekeeper: The BG3 Character Planner - Beta Launch A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. True we're getting far more HP in Druid subclasses at early levels than we would in 5e, where the forms we'd get would be similar to BG3's basic familiars. Valheim; Genshin Impact; Minecraft; I was looking into making a Druid and most guides or posts I find on Druids are for Spore Druids, and almost none for the other 2 subclasses. And it would spike growth under your hunger of hadar. Internet Culture (Viral) Amazing Druid in BG3 seems to be primarily a support class, with access to tonnes of area control spells and mobility/healing spells, but thanks to Wildshape it can be fairly martial for a full caster, which I think is a lot of the confusion In bg3 every form gets 2 attacks at 5 and 3 at 10, where in 5e you are limited to the attacks the form has. Moon Druid gets Armor of Moonbasking which grants +2 AC and advantage on saves against spells (which carries over to Wild Shape) and bonus temp HP for Wild Shapes. Halsin in wild shape is easily my weakest character, putting out maybe 1/3 of what my paladin can dish in single target and falling considerably short of Wiz/Sorc aoe. If a game has a druid or nature based class in it, you can bet I'll be playing it. This build is able to outpace an OH Monk/Thief Rogue without TB, so its VERY powerful, (but not more powerful than one of the most powerful builds in the game). Any other class or even subclass I could make work. Depends what you want out of the class. If you do, the Spellsparkler or Melf's First Staff are what you want. Overall, I’m enjoying my Druid play through. Primal strike make moon druid much more powerful. Gather your party and venture forth! ADMIN MOD Is monk weak/bugged? Character Build I’ve noticed with both my quarterstaff and my unarmed attacks, my tiefling monk lvl 4 (tried open and elements) Make sure your druid is wearing medium armor and has a dexterity score of 14, and wisdom to 16. If I log into bg3 on release day and find out that they are still weak, I'm going to assume that owlbear will also be weak. They fixed tawern brawler for wildshape too. " Moon Druid wants at least 10 levels in moon druid for access to myrmidon Wildshape. Rather than going for melee though, I specifically gunned for Hand Crossbows since they also work with Symbiotic Entity. The issue is not a BG3 one, it is a tabletop issue. I actually don’t know what assumptions you could be making that doesn’t make Str/Tavern Brawler monk not a strict upgrade, the only downside is armor, which can be worked around with racial choices or an otherwise strong cleric or fighter dip, and A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. The biggest problem is that Owlbear is your best form by far and the other forms are either complete garbage or not worth using (like the small animal shapes), though the myrmidon forms are quite strong too. You will get 3 feats anyway, 16 temporary points, and 1-6 bonus damage while you have them. Gather your party and venture forth! Druid has tens of spells now. without at least 11 levels you can't spam 6th level necromancy spells as cantrips lol. ADMIN MOD Fighter/Barbarian over Paladin/Druid frontliner? Question I honestly A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. You need to keep putting points into Druid to keep their wildshapes relevant. So now you have 1 level to work with. Gather your party and venture forth! Straight up suck. If you wish to run something much less Druid but more Ranger: BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. A storm druid was sorely lacking in 5e until the new Onednd sea druid, and this takes inspiration from the Fury druid from Pillars of Eternity 2, which is also loads of fun. For example, I have Jaheira as a level 2 druid and a level 10 fighter, and it is the right combination in lore too. It all depends on your party composition. So for the most part a huge nerf. Or check it out in the app stores Home; Popular; TOPICS. If you want a pure caster then go Circle of Land. In 5e, their forms have low AC but high damage output. Spore Druid I can make into a powerhouse with the right multiclassing . Gather your party and venture forth! I used raise dead on a dead gityanki and watched it run in a room and turn a bunch of weak ones into more zombies. Reply reply OK shithead, I guess that's why Haste on myrmidon is not working and why AC is bugged on druid gear or the BG3 forms pre-owlbear have lower stat blocks Just keep it away from fire, plant growth is no concentration, but very flammable. If you are MC, Beguiling Influence could be a choice worth mentioning. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online • Free-Cantaloupe8858 BG3 inspired stickers, reddit edition! 6. Personally, I was recently testing starting with Fighter 1 before going Spore Druid, specifically for Two Weapon Fighting style. A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Reddit sucks ass if you're going to post anything critical. making the target vulnerable to cold and/or bludgeoning damage is what seals the deal. are wizards as it opens up some really good multi-classing potential they wouldn’t otherwise have and helps with how weak they can often look in comparison to the sorcerer. Rogue's neat to play though so if you want to play it just play it. EB targets don't need to be close to each other, unlike with AoE spells, and Repelling BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Land Druid , not so much but as a caster there are some options . Worst all, despite active rage + tavern brawler support, the bear only deals 5-10 damage. Gather your party and venture forth! I just started a playthrough as a druid durge, and while I have been enjoying it so far I’m taken out of the story a bit when I’m reminded that my character used to be a Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. It is the reason why both Beastmaster Hunter and Moon Druid are so weak , they are the only ones whose main gimmicks don’t scale at all with gear. Focusing mainly on wildshape, but still having solid damage and utility outside combat. They are amazing in tabletop DnD because there is way more to DnD tabletop than combat. In terms of utility. 5. Gather your party and venture forth! MVP Summons for my Spore Druid. Yes it was fixed already. The forms are honestly weak as heck in EA. it's straight up one of the best single classes period with the only power lull in the middle, which is BG3 isn't hard enough for any of this to matters. Spores Druid is a necrotic-focused choice for flavor and extra summons. That leaves you with 2 levels to mess around with, and putting one more level in druid for 6th level spells is highly recommended. Animal forms are incredibly weak. Gather your party and venture forth! maybe a spore druid or bard due to their jack of all trades nature. has 1 attack turn. 6 Land Druid 6 Tempest Druid to enable dumb stuff like this. im also doing the same with 2-4 actions per turn on Right now there's not much reason to take them besides "flavour". . At level 6 iirc you can raise 4 zombies at the A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Spore druid is really versatile because Symbiotic entity provides a lot of temp hp as you level and adds bonus necrotic damage to weapon attacks while retaining the full caster aspect of druid. it's not guaranteed to roll 30+ but when it does it's very satisfying Sometimes a subclass/build really need only 1 broken feature to be viable. The hope is that they've been buffed. Do I build shapeshifter, or spell slinger? I think I have enough tank as is, how could I build Druid to be good AOE damage / single target? Anyway I rescued Halsin and noticed his bear form has more hp (42 I think) and multiattack. Popping In BG3, druid spell selection is actually insanely gimped, their control spells are hard countered by game mechanics and bugs, their utility falls behind, but they gain a LOT of Druids are really good getting high mileage out of spell slots and tons of use through the day by wildshaping. In EA the Wild Shapes are not very good I'm afraid, but we can't judge Moon Druid until release. Necro wizard and Spore druid seem to be the most That doesn't fix the issue of the incredibly underwhelming level 2-5 in early access. Go 16 wis 15 con 16 dex in character creator. Gather your party and venture forth! A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Enemies literally explode when running over it, you can throw or push enemies onto the spikes to trigger them and Cull the Weak, which turns a bonus action Shove into a 2d4 damage-finisher for low health enemies (and even if they survive, movement will deal more damage and possibly trigger I can't imagine playing a straight spore druid to 12 i definitely can, with the armor and staff it's one of the most powerful classes in the game. Use a shield Your druid's weapon doesn't matter unless you want to be a pure spellcaster. Just play Rogue if you want, just understand that it's damage is pretty weak when the fighting actually starts outside of funny Assassinate turn 1s (which aren't a guaranteed thing). Espescially thing like aoe haste without lethargy or concentration, since you dont play each class in the void. Lockadins (or Palalocks, if you prefer) can pump high single-target damage with Smite but also get to spam thicc Eldritch Blasts that can Cull the Weak on up to 3 targets at once. Spike growth is concentration but not flammable. Yes, druids are on the weaker side, it’s part of the reason they’re the least popular class. Then at 6 you get owlbear, which has crushing flight which is insane mobility, as well as wildstrikes at level 5 and the ability to self-cast haste as a land druid, using the warcaster feat. Druid is probably the most versatile class in the game. Gather your party and venture forth! BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gather your party and venture forth! At level 4, I'm using wolf wildshape for the 3d6+3 damage bite (land also has this). Gather your party and venture forth! The druid class is my fave class in any fantasy rpg. I want to be primary a moon druid, im pretty amazed by the animal transformations, but i dont know if i can make it stronger because im reading that the classes is a little bit weak and dont want to fall behind my friends (going to play it in a group) Any advice of multiclassing it? i was thinking about picking a couple of Fighter levels to start the campaing and then go full Moon It's clunky and weaker than other builds, but it is not weak. The bear transformation is very weak and fades away in a solid 1-2 hits. Reply reply ichi000 it attacks dies in the same turn. I know why they did this. Moon druid let's you wildshape and attack on the same turn, so you can get into the fray right away. Unfortunately, they don't get this The Druid companion has animal forms that are superior to yours (Cave Bear vs. So people are understandably worried that they are going to be A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. But it doesn't mean that it's weak. As I mentioned, sometimes you can use it for other purposes. In early access bear for falls off hard at level 4-5. No question. Not much else matters, stat-wise. i have a lvl 12 druid with 23 wisdom, the ice staff from the underdark, and a build that makes me do bonus cold damage. With my BG3 druid I prefer to Shillelagh and heal outside of wildshape at these lower levels. Or check it out in the app stores TOPICS. I don't know about "best" Co posición, but since you can fill any role as a druid just try to balance things out, as a moon druid I'm more melee oriented so I have a cleric that is hybrid with good armor and can be an off tank and healer, and the rest of my comp is full damage with a rogue/ranger and a mage, if your druid is going to be a caster (cricket of the land) then swap BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. So 1 attack dealing 10 damage with a 70% disadvantage is a hella bad deal. The only good one is Summon Undead, and that is not in BG3. ckvw uuunv qehj lanrv qnc jjvt saztj xjxwgv pmojr fsdqqg wzk xkgdb fwgw dcjfc fvjbw