Civ 6 denounced for no reason. So I let him do his things, while I expanded south.

  • Civ 6 denounced for no reason. Removes Different Government Penalty.

    Civ 6 denounced for no reason Lincoln, being denounced by the player: "Truth is generally the best vindication against slander. Their denouncement should be worth nothing diplomatically. Reply So killing one Civ next to you may work out if he attacked you and you have good relations to your neighbours. Then soon after, I get denounced by Hiawatha too, and same thing with diplomacy status. Its why when I engage in war its one of two methods. I usually check why a KI is unhappy with me and if it's about Declare Denounced is one of categories of War and Casus Belli in Civilization VI. They ask for a promise to "not settle close", but there's no way to tell exactly where the border goes between "close" and "not close". Another one that's annoying me is being denounced because i converted a city. It's pretty much unavoidable. Sure enough, the very next turn Gandhi's GP started to retreat toward Delhi. I had built 4 cities on my starting island and then had a few units patrolling around to scout out neighboring islands. But after the second one (even if he was attacking), the others will hate you since 1. You should never try and be friends with the whole world. When it comes to civs denouncing you it effects you because if another civ doesn't have an opinion either way for you they will go to the negative side when your denounced. everyone else denounced you This is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. bladex Emperor. I can't be like "I'm denouncing you because you did this thing" - I just have to be like "I'm denouncing you" and they get pissy because I denounced them but won't correct their behavior because they Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 231 votes and 78 comments A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. AI civilizations interact according to their interests based on the setting of the scenario and what's happening in the world. In Civ 5, relationships really went to shit when it came to choosing ideologies in the modern era. 6gpt usually means they hate you for some reason, but still not that bad. Japan denounced me for occupying one of their cities. It's stupid that capturing a few cities in the ancient/classical era has incredibly harsh knock on effects even into the more modern eras. 557K subscribers in the civ community. A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. They all had a flavor of reason but they did anyway. So they denounce me for it I have been playing on level 5 (first with AI assist). When in fact India occupies their city because i gifted it to them. I took the cities I wanted and that was that. Now everyone including friends and allies hates me even though they hated rome. so if you don't have any warmongering penalty, it might be that the game is merely showing the wrong reason. When does it trigger? Denouncing a leader can occur when a leader suspects you are doing something Now, there is ONLY one way to not be denounced for something: Kiss all the AIs' buttocks and cater to all of their agendas, which is impossible. I expect them to DoW on me any turn now. Taking their cities until they no longer exist as a Civ. Currently 4 of the other Civs are friendly, one is unfriendly, and two have denounced me. Every few turns, trajan has denounced me for "demanding trade goods". Then, use your powerful economy to bribe them into warring with every one. He was mad because apparently I am converting his people. So they denounce me for it CIVILIZATION V. I also find if I have a very strong military I get everyone denouncing me. When in fact India just can't be bothered to covert their city back to their own religion. Our words are backed with NUCLEAR WEAPONS! Members Online • I denounced them but there is no option for war anywhere on their leader page. Tachii Procrastinator. In Civ 6, relationships go to shit in the classical era. Not at the same time, but over time. Desired civs for Civ 7: Hittites, Minoans, Franks, North Sea Empire, Iceland, Ireland, Iceni, Picts, He denounced me but I didn't really care. " I assumed the "5 turns ago" applied to both players. There is also a case to be made for the number and SCALE of the wars and I'm fine with that; at a certain point everyone is going to hate you because Getting denounced/DOW'd by a civ they have better relationship with than you Getting caught spying on them In contrast, there is nowhere near as many possible positive modifiers. When you are denounced, there are two reply options: 'Very well', or 'You will pay for this in time'. they denounced you 6. Rule 5: You must add a comment with an explanation of what the screenshot is about, why it's interesting etc. they want your wonders 5. Personally, getting denounced because civilizations "just plain don't like you" would be an offense against me and the civilization I play as. Double declarations of war from civs across the map that ruin trade relations for no reason, in pursuit of no strategic objective, and for which neither will ever send any troops. Like today I was playing on the tiny islands map. Surrounded now on three sides, outcome looks grim. to respond to the denouncement of your civilization by spending influence to smooth things over so you are not being denounced, causing the denouncement to fail Well that is explained horribly in game. I fended him off and they left me alone. . Now, to lower the chances of getting denounced, whatever Civ that you do want to conquer, befriend them first. And this just a few turns after I ignored my counselors telling me to scale back my military, lol. I've gone along with 90% of the ai's endeavor spam. What is to be gained by denouncing another civilization? I normally keep myself to myself in this game, but everyone seems to hate me for either expanding too rapidly or just for no reason at all. Civ5 - General Discussions . While I'm having fun playing and learning (at diff level 2), I'm having trouble with getting allies. Every other Civ still denounced me. Rule 10: No screenshots of common or minor graphical glitches. Features: Lowers the penalty; Side effect: No Same government bonus; Fully compatible with JFD's Rule of Faith as of now. suddenly declare war for no apparent reason. 1. The reason far away civs are often better friends is because of the lack of contested borders. #5. I am not suggesting you brake the bank or anything, but if you are going to get a new, already improved lux in the deal, offering a copy of one of yours to get the right Being denounced by a civ is a negative modifier, so that can cascade as you build up more. The AI never seems to declare war. You could also bribe others to war with your target Civ. Destroyed a 2 cities that were putting loyalty pressure on an Ally. More importantly, it's absurd that an AI civ which has spent half the game starting wars for no reason would be able to denounce anyone else for "warmongering". Devs might want to Japan denounced me for occupying one of their cities. Not being sarcastic I do genuinely like most of Civ VI it's just the diplomacy is mindnumpingly stupid. And then all civs goes on a denounciation-spree against me. That there are a few backstabbers among the 16 civilizations was to be expected. I very very rarely declare war. Denying growth, hurt their culture and science build up. No explanation that i can think of. If other civs dislike you more than the civ you denounced they may start trades, ally with, or generally help out the people you denounced. Maybe it depends then on how many civs are in-game? The diplomatic visibility boost that the other civ gets does not persist in wartime, so it will not affect combat bonuses. Their are a ton of other ways to play/abuse the diplomatic system, and generally people complaining about it havn't taken the time to learn to play, or want to warmonger without penalty. Make the nation cease They don't denounce for a specific reason or give a reason for doing so. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere But I digress, Ghandi then refused to renew our friendship the next turn because I'm a warmonger, and then denounced me for the same reason 2 turns later. Oh well, I guess they put nukes in the game for a reason. I haven't settled near anyone. In my last two games, early in the game, I was denounced by nearby AIs without reason - no claims of settling too close, breaking promises, or anything else. People constantly argue that its impossible to control how I haven't attacked anyone the entire game. I had the option to denounce the other leaders who hadn't denounced me. blitzkrieg1980 Octobrist. I can never denounce anyone though, they keep converting I've been having this problem with getting denounced for no reason. Then Siam denounced me because "my friend found reason to denounce [me]" . Of course everyone was friends with mongolia, no denouncing of them at all so it seems biased against the human player. or for them to have denounced you (no 5 turn required) The developers wanted more war in Civ 6 so if they gave us this option we could actually settle situations peacefully and for some reason they didn't like it. But welp the KI is ♥♥♥♥♥♥ up in civ 6 very hard, i mean i dont have much experience but like i How does one denounce another civilization in Civ VI? I would think it would be an option on that leaders page, but it doesn't seem to be. Then for no reason at all Mansa Musa decides to declare war against me, even though we were friendly (smh stupid Civ VI AI). Making friends in the early game it very difficult, yes, but it is easier mid to late If the AI feels like its being an asshole for no reason (as it obviously does) and that makes players feel bad, that's still bad design. The -20% counts for citiy capture warmonger points also. And I have at least 3-4 friends/allies (out of 16) in every game. Yet 50 turns into the modern age, I've now been at war with all 7 of my opponents in the last ten turns. I get denounced because my navy is weak yet my military standings i'm 2nd but are mostly land It stands to reason that it is still the case in Civ VI since there's no reason not to have as many cities as you can manage. In civ 5 tourism and culture victory was more directly tied to culture output due to things like converting culture to tourism, in Civ 6 as far as I can tell tourism is all that really matters for culture victory, culture is tied in less direct ways like culture policies that allow you to build wonders and culture buildings in the first place Rule 4: No memes, image macros, or reaction gifs. Do note that this is all taking place in the ancient era. Use denouncing when you prepare to go to war with someone you have no other Casus Belli against. then you have a serious problem and will get denounced or invaded. And I'm sure that part of it is the alliance system. I'm finding a way on how But now, I don't know what strategy to adopt. I just found it curious that every other civ denounced the moment I got declared against. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere close to one of my Honestly the thing I hate most about civ 6 is just chilling out making a couple deals, maybe getting some delegations going and then randomly getting denounced because I have one fewer military point and a different gov, or because I looked in the general direction of a Denouncing a civilization that has already been denounced by one or more civilizations will grant you a great diplomatic boost with those civs. In 5, every civ hated every other civ by the end of the game. lietkynes Hello sword ! Joined Aug 27, 2002 Messages 884 Location Had this happened in Civ 6, the French would have denounced the Americans immediately and probably joined the war against them shortly after it started, an absurd scenario by historical standards. It was all right the second game, but suddenly, for NO reason, one of my allies decided to launch a full-scale assault on all my cities. Because AI will always denounced you for having different government and it's silly. When i purchased the game 6+ months ago this wasn't the case. I wouldn't be upset if that mechanic was removed in favor of more subtle AI maneuvers. Unless it's an emergency or something; the AI will never declare war. Removes Different Government Penalty. For more information on the subreddit rules, you can check the sidebar (or if you use Reddit's mobile app, click "About" the sub). My reason for doing this was to keep up with Mongolia who had conquered all the rest on the continent already. I also experienced having diff gov but no denounced i'm looking for a fix it might have a conflict with other mods. Rule 6: No photographs of a computer display -- screenshots only. That way you don't have athiests building them for no reason. It typical lasts 30 turns (?). Declare Denounced is one of categories of War and Casus Belli in Civilization VI. Several of the cpus are hated by everyone and some are allies. Rule 9: Submission must be more than just a trade screen or diplomacy leaderhead. Nov 5, 2016 #13 i'll try it tonight the only other mods i'm using are CIV 6 - Better Trade Screen GDG Lower War Weariness GDG Scout_Submarines_Ranger Ignore Borders TCS But with Civ 6, I just cannot get into the game and enjoy it. Lastly, you can view any current modifiers that affect a civ's attitude by mousing over the modifier name at the beginning of diplomacy screen (so mouse over the {Friendly, Neutral This is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. get pinned in, warned for building a city nowhere near the AI, denounced for building a culture district, attacked for no reason, and *I* am being denounced as a warmonger because I tried to win the war that I didn't start or was even aggressively positioning my troops to I Get that the game is meant to be challenging but it seems the AI will denounce you for the stupidest of reasons. Then he told me to stop expanding near him (I wasn't, he was), then he dropped another city next to my borders. So I let him do his things, while I expanded south. Joined Jul 29, 2012 Messages 822 Location Ontario, Canada. Sometimes it is impossible to Then after about 30-40 peaceful turns, Ramesses suddenly denounces me, and when I check the diplomacy status, it's all green except for the denounciation. Denouncing a leader can occur when a leader suspects you are doing something against them. Denouncing is something they do if they are considering a formal war with you for any number People keep denouncing me for no apparent reason? So I'm playing as america and just building up my army inside my area. I'm impressed they managed to make the diplomacy even worse than in Civ V "oh, you have different goverment?" DENOUNCED, even though we just met last turn. with AI or city states) with all or nearly all civs allied by the end of the game. And I was pretty much minding my own business for the most part. Far better than civ 5 imo. Is there a way to restore friendly relations? The rollover for Declare Formal War says "Used to declare war on a player that Denounced you or that you have Denounced at least 5 turns ago. Just played a game as Alexander in Civ 5 and I was happily bribing Revamped Civ 6 Sub Reddit! Come chat, meet, and have fun in the Civ 6 community! Yeah I have none so I guess he's being mad for no reason lol In this case, the leader who denounced you has an agenda for wanting to have the most envoys at city states and be suzerain over most of them. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 9 votes and 15 comments So i know the new civ 7 comes soon so got back into 6. helmling. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere This is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. How do I "un-friend" someone ? Thread starter but if you don't want to do either of those things then there's no reason to cancel the friendship. I haven't attacked anything, been on anyone's terrirory. Nov 18, 2012 if denouncing would be possible only after some transgression and reason for it would affect diplo hit with other civs. Reply I think it's funny that you can't tell which civ denounced the I've gotta +denounced enemy and -denounced friend in civ 6. Tile Pillaging and Unit Thinning, or Total War. If you conquer a city or declare a war you gain warmonger penalty. One game, I was in the Atomic Era as Trajan and he denounced me every turn since he was stuck in the Medieval Era. About 15 turns later, he surprise declares war on me I have won many deity games 100% pacifist (no wars, no kills, no combat, ect,. YOU tried to Hello! Every time i start a new game, after a few turns of finding a civilization i am being denounced. Also, the AI are normally really difficult to trade with. You got denounced because of agenda, for example but it's showing as warmongering. Tile Pillaging and Unit Thinning hurts their forward movement as a civ. [CIV 6] "We occupy one of their cities" NO I DON'T! Several centuries of being denounced and redfrowned and I cannot figure it out. Did the update change anything? Because this is all i am seeing from other civilizations. After I captured a Japanese CS and two Japanese cities Washington denounced me for being a warmonger . Militaristic penalty is compensated by a liberated city 7)If you liberate a city of a civilization that exists no longer, all cities of which were captured, think whether new civ will be friends with you. Gilgamesh, who could expand in all directions, starts expanding on my northern borders. -Civilization V. Still have to wait 10 Turn 15, an unknown civ has denounced an unknown civ. The only diplomatic visibility boosts that work during wartime are printing, spies, that one great merchant, and abilities like Mongolia's and Catherine's. Greece and England are allied, which concerns me, considering that England is one of the two Civs which has denounced me. For example, having a weak military I've gotten denounced more in a single game of Civ 6 then in all my hours of play in Civ 5. Lessons from Civ 6 to Civ 7 Took a break and played Civ 5. So I bought the humble bundle and started playing civ for the first time (V with all DLC). Another comment here Especially when those cities are used as staging points for military campaigns and have no other strategic value. From this point on there are denouncements flying around every turn (but not against me, strangely). I haven't made a single demand against them, yet I have -320 relations with him 24 votes, 15 comments. www. Even on normal the diplomacy is a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ joke. With It doesn't sound like you have too many, so they should be cleared out by the time the denouncements expire. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere close to one of my A subreddit dedicated to Sid Meier's Civilization, the popular turn-based series. Our If other civs like you more than the civ you denounce, they may denounce them as well, damaging relations with the civ they denounced but gaining positive relations boosts with other denouncing civs. Alexander. Diplomacy is meaningless in Civ VIjust make your nice cities and have fun maximizing bonuses. Not sure but i believe that the warmonger penalty is lower if you got denounced because that is a casus belli not a formal war. including diplomatic victory where I had a 6 point lead over everyone else. com Slingshot, Boomerang, and Arrow now available on Kindle. If Isabella hated you before you liberated her, she will still hate you. your are strong 2. Like Isabelle in Civ IV. And then he decides to declare war on me because i have wine and he doesn't. What are the best civ 6 leader dialogues? Discussion Enough wonder or civ tier lists - it's time to compare leader dialogues. You probably stole some city states he wanted, he got No reason not to offer them something in order to try and get a better city / more cities. Plus, always Being denounced for warmongering after being the target of a war declaration . Remember, you gain warmonger penalty even if you conquer a city from a civ which declared war on you. they want your land 4. But I went to war with rome who was expanding nonstop. At which point they (everybody except Rome) won't have a reason Even in my most friendly playthroughs, I've been denounced at least several times. Most of the changes from a denouncement are positive. Also 10 turns after my war with him he had taken 2 back from her because she had no military and I couldn't leave her any so it was pointless. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere close to one of my So here’s the thing: in one of my games, I waged a war because a civ wanted another one gone. The problem with Civ 6 is that it only wants to fight Badly. I denounced France in one game, america (who hated france) liked me more for it. LOVED it! Tried Civ 6. Instead the info is just hidden away, for no reason. Getting denounced really doesn't change anything in Civ 6, it's not like civ 5 where it makes everyone else hate you as well. Why doesn't the game just say something like "Promise to not settle near them (not settle within 4 tiles of their territory)". No wars before that. everyone else denounced me and I started losing Diplomacy has no value in Civ 6. Arabia and I were pretty good pals- WAR! I beat him and then he gives me his great works. you are war monger 3. Joined Oct 29, 2010 Messages 1,358. It even happened base Civ VI, so perhaps its a It's not a bug in the game and I personally consider civilization 3 to be the best in the series followed by civilization 2. One (Japan) had even announced a public friendship with me - then bang. It would appear that once a leader has denounced you, the option to denounce them isn't available until the denouncement expires. Previously I had only been denounced by Darius, who was at war with Bismarck and in good terms with It's very annoying, and they declare war for no reason. This is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. Denounce -> Denounce expires -> immediately denounced again -> expires -> immediately denounced yet again This has been going on for a while. After a 6)If I am going into a war with someone who captured cities, I liberate one and take the others. How to approach this? I've never really focused on Diplomacy before. He would settle as close to my borders as he could for really no reason other than the luxury resource I didn't get in time. If you hit those you'll see them denounce you less. That's the only reason I can think of, I just live peacefully minding my own business not wanting any wars or such, accept any delegations and trade offers just not to offend anyone. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere close to one of my I get a message saying I either have to denounce another Civ for free or spend 120 influence to reject the denunciation. Reply reply GermanMofo I don't respond when I am denounced but if another Civ is warmongering all over the place I will denounce them. Civ IV and V were at least fun to Denouncing is a way of expressing disapproval of another civ. If I sack just one city-state or AI civ, it seems I will be denounced and re-denounced forever by everyone else. As of now this mod can only reduce the negative value of other government. I This is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. It doesn't matter what civilization I play as in Civ 6 but there are some leaders that would really offend me if their civilization doesn't like me. Like 10 turns ago. When attacking invading units two other civs that were its allies also then declared war, even though THEY started the war. It is a tactic I use on in-game bullies. Joined Aug 29, 2006 I've noticed something strange in Civ VI. One minute green Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 17 votes and 44 comments AND a denouncement is in place for 5 turns as @Kyro said. They just let it sit their with my religion. I got called a warmonger and another civ attacked me because of it. Once he got there he converted the city and headed back out again. Turn 31 Spain declares "war" though nothing happens at first. Japan denounced me because he flooded my civ with his missionaries and I killed killed them. They have reason (s), but various reason (s) are not part of diplomacy. The old games seemd more focused on realism, this game seems focused on making the player have to think which AI civ's he/she doesn't want to annoy. So I’m a new player and I’m still getting the hang of Civ 6, but something happened in one of my games just now and it’s left me quite confused, and I’m just hoping someone could explain to me if I did anything wrong or if I should be more careful in future Capturing cities in Civ should definitely be revisited in Civ 7 if they maintain the era system as it currently is. Usually, if you have no negative modifiers with those civs, and have a few trade routes with them, there is a high probability that they will propose you a declaration of frienship, opening the This is so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ridiculous. That doesn't even make sense. " Teddy, being denounced: "How DARE you?" One thing they've brought over from Civ 6 is fully friendly (no negs) Civs declaring war for no reason. When It's a bit unsettling when the AI declares war for no reason at all. If the enemy city has been settled by other civilization or is it a city state, then you can conquer and liberate it, because liberating a city will compensate the warmonger Oh boy that civ denounced me all the way to the modern era. My favourite is Shaka's defeated screen. If intentionally not, I suggest adding a comma after "a player that Denounced you" to remove the ambiguity. Also, Often if you refuse and keep spanking them they will offer more 3 turns later. One thing I don't like is how you can't denounce a Civ that denounced you, so if you decide to use It is a stupid mechanic. I'm still quite early in the game (play on epic) and only uncovered my continent not gone ocean exploring yet few techs away from it Egypt kept trying to The next turn every civ denounced me, some were hostile and some were guarded. Vanilla Civ 6's "diplomacy" means either you play a purely pacifist game and never take an AI's city (and still be subjected to surprise joint formal war declarations which the AI loved to do), or you burn the entire world down. Was best friends with Scythia all game, then at one point apparently there was a barbarian camp somewhere close to one of my Almost as bad are the simply asinine nuisance joint wars. No denouncement, no sulks over actions, no nothing. Denouncing gives you a diplomacy bonus with any leaders who dislike the leader you Each civilization will have certain agendas. Then there’s a civ, with no military, talking smack so I took some of his cities too. Rule 9: I'm getting denounced pretty much for being a good guy. I haven't denounced anyone. I'm at war with 4 different civs right now. I was just going about my business, creating settlements. 5) When I denounce the AI, I can't give a reason. Converts Religion of one of the Civs Cities Sends Spies on a Mission against them Razes one of their cities Thinks you are a warmonger If I attack civA when civ B has denounced them and I would normally get -10 diplomacy with player B (just an example number) because they denounced civ A they do not think I am so bad and get 20% less warmonger so they think -8 of me not -10. Remember in Civ V where in the early game you had to worry about defending yourself against an early aggressive civilization? Doesn't seem to happen here. rvg tsg tiis etzgge mapnumer tmum svqmju cjikv wymh asl znvd smqc upre dvvxr dsd