Cpen ubc Restricted to students in second year of Electrical and Computer Engineering programs. Learn about academic integrity by studying UBC’s Policy on Academic Misconduct, information resources provided at “Understand Academic Integrity“, and on the use of common knowledge in your writings. University closed. Basic elements of quantum computation; analysis and software implementation of Grover’s algorithm, Shor’s algorithm, quantum compilation, variational algorithms, Hamiltonian simulation, noise characterization. The purpose of this course is to help students in learning the principles of cybersecurity in general and of designing secure cyber systems and infrastructures in Undergraduate Thesis 3 credits Guideline This course is intended as a vehicle to provide undergraduate students with research experience. CPEN_V 211 (5) Computing Systems I Boolean algebra; combinational and sequential circuits; organization and operation of microcomputers, memory addressing modes, representation of CPEN 542, “Cybersecurity,” is a graduate course that introduces students to the subject of cybersecurity from the technical, economic, and human points of view. Device drivers, memory management, virtual memory, file systems, networking and security. The course focused on understanding the concepts and techniques underlying the field on deep learning. UBCV 2017W MATH 101 201 Integral Calculus with Applications to Physical Sciences and Engineering CPEN_V 331 4 CPEN_V 391 6 CPSC_V 320 3 One of MATH_V 318, STAT_V 251, MATH_V 302, STAT_V 302 3 Electives 1 16 Complementary Studies electives 2 6 Total Credits 38 Fourth Year APSC_V 450 2 CPEN_V 481 3 10 CPEN 212 is not a course where your friends will say "I will pass this course", they will say "I hope I don't fail this course dude". Applications include complex state machines, microcontrollers, arithmetic circuits, and interface units. , and UBC values academic honesty and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others and to uphold the highest academic standards in all of their actions. , trace cache), high Computer Architecture Quantitative principles, instruction set design, methods for performance improvements, pipelining, multiple instruction issue, dynamic scheduling, branch prediction, memory systems, caches, multi-core, multiple views of the design space, other advanced architectures. Digital Systems Design Advanced combinational and sequential electronic system design. Hardware specification, modelling, and simulation using hardware description languages (HDLs) and CAD tools. ca Website Publications LinkedIn Sathish Gopalakrishnan is an Associate Professor in UBC’s Electrical & Computer Engineering Department. Credit can be CPEN_V 211 (5) Computing Systems I Boolean algebra; combinational and sequential circuits; organization and operation of microcomputers, memory addressing modes, representation of information, instruction sets, machine and assembly language programming, systems programs, I/O structures, I/O interfacing and I/O programming, introduction to digital system design using Operating Systems Introduction to operating systems, their design and their implementation. Staff Instructor Prof. Back to Top We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy əm (Musqueam). [3-2-0] 4 credits Course Outline CPEN 431 (Design of Distributed Software Applications) is an introductory course in distributed systems UBC values academic integrity. CPEN_V 311 (4) Digital Systems Design Advanced combinational and sequential electronic system design. Assessment of correctness, reliability, safety. Cybersecurity CPEN 542, “Cybersecurity,” is a Masters-level graduate course that introduces students to the subject of cybersecurity from the technical, economic, and human points of view. 4 credits Prerequisites CPEN 221 – Software Construction I CPSC 221 – Basic Algorithms and Data Structures More Information UBC Computer Engineering Design Studio I Design projects involving hardware (electronic devices and circuits, microcomputers) and software. Tools support. To help you find older lectures by topic, links to videos Real-Time System Design In this course we will be studying the theoretical underpinnings of real-time compute systems, as well as practical aspects related to embedded systems. , MLPs, CNNs, RNNs, Transformers, and GNNs) and learning algorithms under different paradigms (supervised / unsupervised / reinforcement learning). Students must register to the specific capstone project course related to their program and option, as Introduction to Cybersecurity Security risks, threats, and vulnerabilities from technical perspectives; confidentiality, integrity, and hybrid policies; cryptography, access control, assurance, accountability, and engineering of secure systems. CPEN_V 212 (4) Computing Systems II Abstractions at the hardware-software interface and their low-level implementation. By logging in to this site using the link below students enrolled in CPEN 211 can sign up for (or change) lab partners, look up their assigned lab TA, access their lab proficiency tests and check autograder results. The course will be supplemented by laboratory sessions where the students will learn the practical aspects of designing a variety of digital circuits and programming digital devices. 3 Topic: Case Study: Bitcoin (Part 2) 4. Lecture Schedule Link Last day for Last day for withdraw with W: Mar CPEN 455 (Deep Learning) is a course I completed at UBC. , UML). ca Back to Top CPEN 211 Lecture Videos (2018) If you are looking for a lecture which is not shown below: ALL videos are posted automatically immediately after the end of lecture at this URL (sorted by date, but without lecture topic descriptions). CPEN 542, “Cybersecurity,” is a graduate course that introduces students to the subject of cybersecurity from the technical, economic, and human points of view. UBC is implementing its Indigenous Strategic Plan, taking a leading role in the advancement of Indigenous peoples’ human rights. They make essential medical equipment, design wireless communications networks, Software Project Management Credit will only be given for one of CPEN 523 or EECE 543 or CPEN 421. 5-6pm, KAIS TAs CPEN 221, CPSC 210, or equivalent. Contribute to mchuahua/CPEN412 development by creating an account on GitHub. Julia Rubin Lectures: Mon. Task analysis, user modeling, usability engineering, representations, metaphors, prototyping tools. [3-1-2*] 4 credits Course Page Course Objectives The role CPEN 223 – Software Design for Engineers I Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Tel 604 822 0895 Fax 604 822 5949 Email help@ece. To learn more about the Faculty of Applied Science’s role in building upon the Indigenous Strategic Plan and committing to Truth and Reconciliation, please visit: https://apsc. UBC CPEN412 2021W2. Details of the policies and how to access support are available here . pdf CPEN 411 Computer Architecture Quantitative principles, instruction set design, methods for performance improvements, pipelining, multiple instruction issue, dynamic scheduling, branch prediction, memory systems, caches, multi-core, multiple views of the UBC values academic honesty and students are expected to acknowledge the ideas generated by others and to uphold the highest academic standards in all of their actions. Introduction to VLSI Systems Computer Engineering Program / course checklist for students who started 2nd year in Sep. 6 7 Before the class: Connect to the course on Canvas. g. Course Corequisites CPEN 332 / CPEN 320 (Software Construction II). Specifically, the following topics: quantum mechanics & information, quantum circuits, the gate model of quantum computation, quantum algorithms including the quantum Fourier CPEN 221, CPSC 210, or equivalent. 7 2. 4 credits Course Topics Course Objectives Textbook Mark Stamp, Information Security: Principles and Practice, Third Edition, Gate-Model Quantum Computing A software-based introduction to gatemodel quantum computing algorithms. This document summarizes some of the procedures for this course [] Capstone Design Project (ELEC/CPEN 491,492) and New Venture Design APSC486 2024 Summer CPEN 311 ELEC/CPEN 291 ELEC 391 CPEN 412 Microcomputer System Design Instructor – LINN, YAIR Lab Location: MCLD UBC Course Reviews University of British Columbia Search Course Search Course Departments CPEN Departments Level Level Code Name Overall Easiness Interest Usefulness Reviews sorted descending CPEN 211 3. ca/EDI. [3-2-1*] 5 credits Prerequisite: APSC 160 – Introduction to Computation in Engineering Design More Information Credit will only be given for one of CPEN 512 or EECE 528. To help you find older lectures by topic, links to videos from the 2019 offering of CPEN 211 will be put in the table below 1 to 2 weeks after lecture, along with a brief description and slide numbers. Credit will be granted for only one of ELEC 281, CPEN 281, BMEG 201, or APSC CPEN 211 Lecture Videos (2019) ALL videos are automatically posted to the UBC Mediasite page for CPEN 211 about 15 minutes after the end of lecture. Quantum Information and Computation This course introduces ECE graduate students to a comprehensive set of topics in quantum information, algorithms, and quantum computer hardware. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall No classes. 3 CPEN 442 4 cr. CPEN_V 416 (3) Gate-Model Quantum Computing A software-based introduction to gatemodel quantum computing algorithms. You signed out in another tab or window. You don't love it like you love ATSC 113 for being a GPA booster. More Information UBC Course Page Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Tel 604 822 0895 , BC A tool to look up UBC historical grade distributions. The course covers a wide range of topics, including scheduling theory (analysis and design of task scheduling algorithms and schedulability analysis), mixed-criticality systems, Software Project Management 4 credits OVERVIEW AND MOTIVATION The idea of a ‘project’, i. Students will graduate with a Bachelor of Applied Science in Computer Engineering. Credit will be given for only one of CPSC 313 or CPEN 411. Technical description, report preparation, business correspondence, and oral presentation of technical material. CPEN_V 333 (3-4) Software Design for Engineers II Use of operating systems abstractions; real-time systems; principles of concurrent and multi-threaded programming; information structures; introduction to object oriented analysis; design, and modelling using UML; software testing. Please note that not all courses listed are offered every year, and we recommend that you visit the UBC Course Schedule for the most up-to-date and accurate course listings for the upcoming terms. e. and Wed. Applications: interactive multimedia systems, engineering, scientific visualization, engineering design. [3-3-0] 4 credits Course Outline Introduction to Operating Systems System Components and Processes Software Construction II Contemporary concepts and techniques for developing interactive software applications: client-server architectures; session-oriented systems; security and scalability; models of application deployment. 3:30-5pm, CHBE 102 Office hours: Mon. Access study documents, get answers to your study questions, and connect with real tutors for CPEN_V 212 : at University of British Columbia. Students in the Computer Engineering Program may choose their electives to You will learn how to analyze the requirements for a system, how to chose a suitable architecture and learn about a range of design and interfacing techniques. Coverage criteria. 4 credits Prerequisite: APSC 160 – Introduction to Computation in Course calendar Lecture recordings will be available on Canvas a couple of days after the class. ca Find us on We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy əm (Musqueam). Therefore, all students must understand the meaning and consequences of cheating, plagiarism and other academic offences under the Code of Student Conduct and Discipline . CPEN 312 is intended to teach the fundamentals of digital systems and introduce the students to microcontrollers. Often, it is impossible to satisfy all of these criteria and a successful system is one delivering the right mix depending 2023-2024 Design & Innovation Day Project Showcase A capstone design project is a major component of our engineering curriculum. The final deliverable of the course was modifying the architecture of a generative model to improve its performance and make it additionally a function as a classifier. CPEN Project Lab - MCLD 4018 (Formerly LIFE 2108 & MCLD 112) Primarily used for CPEN courses (but sometimes for ELEC courses), every bench in this lab is equipped with a simple DC power supply, oscilloscope, function generator, multi-meter, soldering station, and a computer. Human Computer Interfaces in Engineering Design Practical issues for interfaces for modern software. Watch the videos before the class for which they are assigned. CPEN_V 511 (3) Advanced Computer Architecture Credit will only be given for one of CPEN 511 or EECE 527. april Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 13 1 No classes. ca Find us on For course content please visit the CPEN 211 site on UBC Canvas where you will find a link enabling students enrolled in CPEN211 to sign up to Piazza. Capstone students will design a product/service of significance, and solve an open-ended problem in electrical or computer engineering. [3-2-0] 4 credits Prerequisite: All of CPEN 221 – Software Construction I CPSC 221 – Basic Algorithms and Data Structures More Information Credit will be given for only one of CPEN 312 or CPEN 211. I . 4 credits Prerequisite: ONE OF CPEN 221 – Software Construction I CPEN UBC values academic integrity. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Tel 604 822 0895 Fax 604 822 5949 Email help@ece. We explored the mathematics Deep Learning Fundamentals of deep learning, including architectures (e. This course is restricted to students in one of these programs: MEL with one of these specializations: ****DESS 3. [3-0-2] Prerequisite: ONE OF MATH 152 – Linear Systems MATH 221 – Matrix Algebra AND ONE OF MATH 318 – Probability with Physical Applications MATH 302 – Introduction to Probability STAT 302 – CPEN_V 481 (3) Economic Analysis of Engineering Projects Time-money relationships; economic analysis of alternatives including the effects of interest rates, inflation, depreciation, taxation and uncertainty; cost estimation and budgeting; financial analysis of engineering operations. Home / Browse Courses / CPEN - Computer Engineering / CPEN_V 355 - Machine Learning with Engineering Applications September Week # Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 4 5 UBC-wide orientation. [3-0-0] 3 credits Prerequisite: ONE Software Construction II Contemporary concepts and techniques for developing interactive software applications: client-server architectures; session-oriented systems; security and scalability; models of application deployment. [3-0-2] Although deep learning is based on many well known artificial We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy əm (Musqueam). Introduction to Computer Security ELEC 402 4 cr. haxx. D. UBC Closed. This course is not eligible for Credit/D/Fail grading. com Software Construction I Design, implementation, reasoning about software systems: Abstraction and specification of software, testing, verification, abstract data types, object-oriented design, design patterns, type hierarchies, concurrent software design. Electrical engineers impact almost every aspect of our lives. The undergraduate thesis typically can be used to satisfy technical elective requirements. Design with programmable logic including FPGA’s. Project management skills. You The first-year engineering program consists of a timetable which contains the core engineering, math, chemistry and physics courses, a 3 credit Humanities and Social Science elective, and a 3 credit English/Communication course. Or permission from the instructor. an organized set of activities with a defined set of outcomes achieved with specified resources in a stipulated period of time, is present in virtually every type of human endeavor, and much has been learned about how to plan, execute, monitor, [] CPEN 211 Lecture Videos (2024) ALL videos are automatically posted to the UBC Panopto page for CPEN 211 after the end of lecture. Design and implementation of a hardware platform and software design and implementation at the operating system and application layers. 3 credits More Information Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Tel 604 822 0895 Fax 604 822 Login to continue to CPEN 211 Login Name Password Login Recover your CWL login or Reset your CWL password via Email If you have a non-UBC email address associated with your CWL account you can Watch out for sites UBC values academic integrity. You love it without a reason. The purpose of this course is to help students in learning the Software Design for Engineers I Introduction to robust software design: static typing, procedural specifications, unit testing, black-box and white-box tests, user-defined data types (representations, invariants, abstraction functions), data abstractions, communicating design (e. pdf haxx CPEN212 2022 W2 xkcd #676 (fragment) our first victim int Program Summary ELEC Program Guide Elective Lists Switching Programs Biomedical Option If you call a friend, flip a light switch, play a video game or drive a car, you are touching the work of an electrical engineer. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall CPEN 491 - Computer Engineering Capstone Design Project Design, analysis, and implementation of solutions in response to a real world computer engineering problem, provided by industry, research laboratories, or other Machine Learning with Engineering Applications Foundations and concepts of data science and machine learning with applications to engineering problems. Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) The Undergraduate Research Experience Program (UREP) is a great opportunity for undergraduate students interested in developing their research skills to participate in research projects being conducted in our labs, and to experience what studies in a research-based graduate program could look Associate Professor BE (India), MSc, PhD (Illinois, USA) Office: KAIS 4045Phone: (604) 827-4343Email: sathish@ece. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall Trade-offs in Designing Computer Systems No matter designing a small microcontroller system or a planet-scale cloud service, there are fundamental trade-offs between cost, performance, security, user satisfaction, and development time. CPEN_V 321 (4) Software Engineering Engineering practices for the development of non-trivial software-intensive systems including requirements specification, software architecture, implementation, verification, and maintenance. Students must have fourth year standing and be registered in the Contribute to brucexi999/UBC-CPEN-412 development by creating an account on GitHub. Includes coverage of topics such as project management. Emphasis on design principles and motivating applications. Advanced combinational and sequential electronic system design. ELEC/CPEN 291 ELEC 391 CPEN 311 Digital Systems Design Instructor(s) – Yair Linn Room(s) – M4002/4006 Engineering Services Contact – Roozbeh Mehrabadi UBC Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering , BC Credit will only be given for one of CPEN 542 or EECE 512. Requirements flowdown. To help you find older lectures by topic, links to videos from the 2024 offering of CPEN 211 will be put in the table below 1 to 2 weeks after lecture, along with a brief description and slide numbers. 2 Deadline for submitting pre-final drafts of term project reports. Process concurrency, synchronization, communication and scheduling. Basic elements of quantum computation; analysis and software implementation of Grover's algorithm, Shor's algorithm, quantum compilation, variational algorithms, Hamiltonian simulation, noise characterization. ubc. 5 4. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering University of British Columbia 1 Recap CPEN 355 ECE@UBC Likelihood VS probability 3 https:/sebastianraschka. The purpose of this By logging in to this site using the link below students enrolled in CPEN 211 can sign up for (or change) lab partners, look up their assigned lab TA, access their lab proficiency tests and Virtualization and indirection, dynamic dispatch, hardware and operating system abstractions, program structure, memory structure and management, concurrency, and CPEN 211 Lecture Videos (2024) ALL videos are automatically posted to the UBC Panopto page for CPEN 211 after the end of lecture. Assigned CPEN_V 221 (4-5) Software Construction I Design, implementation, reasoning about software systems: abstraction and specification of software, testing, verification, abstract data types, object-oriented design, type hierarchies We acknowledge that the UBC Point Grey campus is situated on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the xʷməθkʷəy əm (Musqueam). [2-6-0] 6 credits Prerequisite: CPEN 211 – Computer Systems I Corequisite: ELEC 201 – Circuit Analysis I More Information UBC Course Page CPEN 332 / CPEN 320 (Software Construction II) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4 Tel 604 822 0895 Fax 604 822 5949 Email help@ece. Static methods. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering 5500-2332 Main Mall CPEN_V 411 (4) Computer Architecture Modern processors, GPUs, and memory hierarchies; quantitative principles and instruction set design; pipelining, superscalar issue, out-of-order execution, branch prediction and speculation; memory hierarchies, caches, virtual addressing, prefetching, coherence, and consistency; multicores, VLIW, on-chip networks, and other Technical Communication Written and oral communication in engineering. Specialized techniques. 2. You signed in with another tab or window. Browse the table below for all of our undergraduate courses. Hardware specification, modeling, and simulation using hardware description languages (HDLs) and CAD tools. Advanced Computer Architecture The course explores advanced and bleeding-edge techniques used for architecting CPUs, GPUs, and accelerators for ML and other computation domains. Procedure invocation, dynamic dispatch, and related exploits; library linkage, virtual memory, heap management, garbage collection, and caches; interrupts, signals, and processes; threads, locks, and cache coherence; files, devices, and network topology. [3-0-2] 4 Design of Distributed Software Applications Communications, processes, naming, synchronization, consistency and replication, fault tolerance, object-based middleware, and security technologies for distributed applications. Problem tracking. Please note that traditionally there are less courses available during the summer [] Computing Systems II Instructor- FEDOROVA, ALEXANDRA Lab Location: MCLD 4002/4006 Engineering Services Contact- Roozbeh Mehrabadi CPEN 355 - Lecture 4: Logistic Regression Mirza Sarwar, Ph. Reload to refresh your session. Students can take on a research effort for 3 credits or for 6 credits. 5-6pm, KAIS TAs UBC Cpen 411. We will have quizzes on them during the class. 2020 Pre-reqs: One of CPSC 260, CPSC 221 and one of EECE 210, CPEN 221, EECE 309, CPSC 210, EECE 314, CPEN 333. Exact topics vary year-to-year as research frontiers advance, but typically include: advanced instruction flow and data flow techniques (e. All incoming second-year students (both ELEC and CPEN) are required every year to purchase the "UBC ECE Second-Year parts Kit" necessary for the following project courses: CPEN211, ELEC201, ELEC/CPEN291, ELEC292 Credit will only be given for one of CPEN 502 or EECE 592. Computer Engineering Capstone Design Project Design, analysis, and implementation of solutions in response to a real world computer engineering problem, provided by industry, research laboratories, or other suitable entities. Visualize some data and make important choices. He is a member of the Institute for Computing, Information, and Cognitive Software Testing and Analysis Different levels of testing including unit, integration, system, performance and regression levels. No classes. ohokx nxf niq ivbeqsa htem ewzab vsnn smjhoxi lyqq ipl mlehq bbfyoxyjv joeqs zpcirc uqbpb