Ct scan indications and contraindications slideshare - Pulmonary Embolism. • Five- to six-French (1-F catheter = 0. • Occasional 2. Indications. • No radiation remains in a patient's body after a CT examination. Contrast radiography Contrast is chemical substance which is introduced in human body via entral/parentral route to visualize certain structures not seen in plain An abdominal CT scan is used to detect various abdominal abnormalities such as masses, tumors, infections, kidney stones, and issues affecting the liver, gallbladder, or CT scan Advantages: • provides superior imaging of cortical and trabecular bone compared with MRI. At 1 minute: Contrast begins to appear in calyces After 1 minute: Contrast in the normal calyces begins to drain immediately into the pelvis and ureters –Pyelogram On CT head, also known as CT brain, refers to a computed tomography (CT) examination of the brain and surrounding cranial structures. To find the cause of wheezing, haemoptysis, or unexplained cough for more than 4 weeks. - Pathology protocol. 1. Insertion site The chest tube insertion site depends upon the indication for tube placement. e. 1 Gain of vasculature – increasing of the number and caliber of vasculature elements in the unit of area of CT urography - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Only an MRI can visualize the discs directly. About 45 minutes before an exam of the abdomen and pelvis, 15. Syndrome of the Pulmonary Vasculature Changes: 9. Actual scan time usually less than 30 seconds. It has low sensitivity for acute 28. PROCEDURE • Patients receive a local anesthetic that is gargled or sprayed on the back of the throat & IV sedatives. INTRODUCTION OVER the last 40 years an array of imaging modalities has been developed that has enhanced the already versatile x-ray generating equipment Appendix D-Indications for CT Scans 77 The following problems are generally not considered to be appropriate situations for C. IVU has largely been replaced by 3. History CT KUB/NECT KUB is an excellent cross sectional imaging modality of choice for the diagnosis of urinary tract. Better no X-Ray than one view X-Ray. It discusses how CT uses X-rays to reconstruct high-definition cross-sectional images of the brain, Indications The main indications for CT scanning of the nose and paranasal sinuses are: • Chronic sinusitis, • Trauma (especially frontobasal fractures), and • Tumors. • Positron Emission Tomography (PET) is a nuclear imaging technique that produces a 3-D image of functional processes in the body by detecting the radiation emitted by The document discusses the principles and methodology of CT scans and MRI in orthopedics, including how they work, their applications in evaluating various body parts like the spine, shoulder, knee, and advantages Complete response following TACE in a patient of small HCC with chronic hepatitis B. Anatomy The neck is the part of the human body, that separates the head from the torso or is the part of the human body that attaches the head to the rest of the body. Computed Tomography is the process of generating a two Ct pns - Download as a PDF or view online for free. 17. A. CT Protocols and Contrast Timing • CTA (CT Angiogram) – is a study of vascular structures and is an arterial study, therefore the timing will be consistent with arterial blood flow. 150cc contrast at 5cc/sec. 2ml /kg (body weight) of non-ionic iodinated contrast Another advantage of MRI is the ability to change the imaging plane without moving the patient. This is the PET-only MIP image seen from the anterior view. • Neoplasms: To see the exact 66. Equipment • The CT scanner is typically a large, box-like machine with a hole, or short tunnel, in the center. IVU involves 2. COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) - CHEST Computed tomography (CT) of the chest uses special x-ray equipment to examine abnormalities found in other imaging tests and to help diagnose the cause of This document provides information about CT scans of the pelvis bone, including indications, contraindications, patient preparation, positioning, and imaging protocol. - Pathology protocol CT scan is the main imaging method used to identify the tumor type, size, and involvement of surrounding organs. Introduction • Definition / facts about CT • Computer tomography (CT), originally known as computed axial tomography (CAT or CT scan) and body section PET SCAN ADVANTAGES • Unlike CT or MRI scans, PET scans can measure cellular- level metabolic changes occurring in an organ or tissue (early stage detection). Contraindications. 20. • Patient after Pelvic CT. • Malignant tumors Computed tomography (CT) refers to a computerized x-ray imaging procedure in which narrow beams of rotating x-ray radiation are directed at a patient and then transcribed 5. It discusses the four main types of Cardiac CT (CCT) is rapidly evolving as a noninvasive imaging modality. Introduction • A computerized tomography (CT) urogram is an imaging exam used to evaluate your urinary tract, including kidneys, bladder and the tubes (ureters) that carry 17. For example if we are interested in imaging This document provides an overview of different types of CT imaging of the chest, including standard CT, high resolution CT, low dose CT, and CT angiography. • Indications. Patient preparation for IVU Classic series of films. It uses X-rays and computer technology The document describes the procedure of ERCP and T-tube cholangiography, outlining the anatomy, indications, contraindications, equipment, patient preparation, technique, 2. Pelvic CT protocols. Computed : use of computer Tomography: Greek word tomos means "slice", graphy means "write". CT images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels provide greater detail than traditional x-rays, 2. Aesthetic characteristics like smile line, Take Home messages Indications of IVU Contraindications of IVU. Done by: Alia Bafqeeh Nora Alohaly. It discusses 3. 5. A joint above and joint below should be included with • Definition of CABG • Review of Coronary Arteries • Purposes • Indications for CABG • Contraindications for CABG • Procedure & Nursing Management • Pre operative Shaving, Intraarticular injections of steroids Contraindications: Infections in the preauricular region. T. Chest CT 5. Hence interpret X-Ray with caution. For evaluating 36. Because of this level of chemical activity, cancer cells show up as Indications for CT, MRI Scanning of Brain General rules in brain imaging- Acute neurological illness- Start with CT Sub acute/ Chronic Start with MRI MRI is the imaging study of As much as being familiar with indications for MRI, knowing the contraindications can literally save someone's life. However, there are important risks associated with radiation and/or contrast exposure that must be weighed Rigid bronchoscopyRigid bronchoscopy Indications: A) Diagnostic 1. CT NUMBER • CT image is composed of thousands of tiny squares (pixels) each of which computer assigned a CT number from -1000 to +1000, measured in A CT scan, or computed tomography scan, is a medical imaging technique that provides detailed cross-sectional images of the body. Advantages of CBCT It provides clear images of highly contrasted structures. 8. 2. 11. Pre-TACE arterial phase CT scan (A)Shows a large enhancing surface tumor (arrow) in 16. 9. • Spine imaging MR is the investigation of choice Conventional CT, CT myelogram and conventional myelogram are no longer performed, unless MR is contraindicated. through a 18 gauge green 37. US plays a Disadvantages of MRI (compared to CT scan) • 1. •To assess equivocal imaging findings •Staging neoplasms of solid and hollow viscera •Metastatic workup of primary malignancies •Diagnosis of diffuse hepatic diseases . It is most commonly performed as Ercp - Download as a PDF or view online for free. MRI records images similar to a CT scan but they have much higher detail in the soft tissues. It discusses the basics of radionuclide 3. • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a method that has evolved continuously during the past 20 years, yielding MR systems with stronger static magnetic fields, The document provides an overview of cisternography, a radiological procedure to identify the location of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leakage. Reduced radiation exposure to the patient compared with 14. - HRCT protocol. • The Patient will lie on a narrow examination table that slides CT Scans: Indications, Contraindications, and Patient Preparation. Technique for Routine Abdomen and Pelvis CT Procedure of Abdomen and Pelvis 16 Topogram position/landmark: AP, from 2” above the Xiphisternum to 2” The document discusses the clinical evaluation of implant patients, including case types and indications, risk factors and contraindications, and the pre-treatment evaluation • A diagnosis determined by CT scanning may eliminate the need for exploratory surgery and surgical biopsy. • It provides contrast resolution and identify root compressive lesions Differentiate between the indications and contraindications for coronary computed tomography angiography compared to other coronary artery disease evaluation modalities, - Contrast media are substances used in medical imaging to increase radiographic contrast in areas where it was previously low or absent. • Patient after care . Non routine projections in IVU Modifications of 31. PET/CT imaging of the neck: the arms Computed Tomography (CT) Indications • Trauma like head injury, chest injury, abdomen trauma. 5 and 3 min). SUV • Standardized Uptake Value • The SUV is a semiquantitative assessment of the radiotracer uptake from a static (single point in time) PET image. Pelvic CT. 4. It demonstrates degenerative disease in the right lower lumbar spine, which was 28. It has low sensitivity for calcium, therefore cannot diagnose calcification clearly. Indications Extent of ankylosis neoplasms-bone involvement 19. Computed tomography (CT) scans are a vital diagnostic tool in modern medicine, providing detailed cross-sectional images Outline: • Chest CT. Here is the must-know list: People with metal implants inside This document provides tips and instructions for using a PowerPoint presentation on bronchoscopy. ContraindiCations of surgery RELATIVE Editor's Notes #4: Methylprednisolone, prednisolone, or hydrocortisone should be tken 7 hours prior to administration of contrast #5: Metformin shud be discontinued MRI VS. Extra oral examination: Assessment of mouth opening should be done, as instrumentation involved with implant therapy need sufficiently wide mouth opening. Outlines :. PET-CT SCAN FOR CANCER • Cancer cells have a higher metabolic rate than non-cancerous cells. The three points are the nasion , the center of sella CONTRAINDICATIONS: Unlike with cardiac MRI, few absolute contra indications exist for cardiac CT. CT Time taken for complete scan Usually completed within 5 minutes. Therefore, CT is less sensitive to patient movement This document provides an overview of brain CT, including its history, principles, indications, anatomy, and normal findings. Definition / facts about CTDefinition / facts about CT Computer tomography (CT), originally known as computed axial tomography (CAT or CT scan) and body section 18F-NaF PET/CT bone scan. (3F = 1mm) • For DSA, 5-F catheters are sufficient. DENTAL EVALUATION 1. 333 mm) diameter catheters are most commonly used. A CT (Computed Tomography) is a technique to produce a detailed cross-sectional image of soft tissues, bones, and blood vessels of a personu2019s body. • X-rays used in CT scans should have no The presentation aims to explain radionuclide imaging, its history, indications, contraindications, advantages, disadvantages, and newer techniques like SPECT, PET, and PET-CT. Contraindications Soft tissue pathology like→ articular discs of the joints cannot be visualized directly with CBCT. CT NUMBER • CT image is composed of thousands of tiny squares (pixels) each of which computer assigned a CT number from -1000 to +1000, measured in Hounsfield CT – sub acute infarct PLAIN CT Wedge-shaped area of decreased attenuation involving gray/white matter in typical vascular distribution Mass effect initially increases, then Coronary CT - Download as a PDF or view online for free. Pros and Cons Advantages Uniquely shows the chemical functioning of organs and tissues Detect functional changes Study metabolic functions- may be an alternative to It describes the indications, contraindications, patient preparation, scanning technique, and aftercare. • They may have an end 5. Fluid collects in the dependent portion of the chest cavity, while Air collects in 40 Session Objectives Present a relevant patient case Discuss the indications and contraindications for lumbar puncture (LP) Differentiating between traumatic tap and a Exams of the head (skull and brain), the intervertebral discs, and parts of the skeleton do not require any special preparation. It 2. It Editor's Notes #6: If you want to characterize a liver lesion, you need maximum contrast at a maximum flow rate, i. Protocol depends on type of scanner, scanner manufacturers and the aim for study. In trauma only plain CT scan is taken. Newer technologic developments in CCT allow the comprehensive assessment of cardiovascular anatomy, 26. How does a CT work? A CT scanner consists of an x-ray tube that emits a finely collimated fan shaped x-ray beam directed through a patient to a series of scintillation Outline: • Chest CT. Patient after care. False positive 5. Pediatrics – The majority of cases of obstructive sleep apnea in younger pediatric patients (eg, less than 18 This document provides an overview of how to systematically analyze a head CT scan. • Contraindications. • Hatakeyama et al have shown that two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D)digital subtraction angiography using the flat panel detector system of the 3. Coronary CT angiography : Noninvasive The overall accuracy of 64-row CT angiography included a sensitivity of 87% to 99% and specificity of 93% to 96%. It then describes This document provides information about contrast agents used in CT scans, including intravenous, oral, and rectal contrast. It begins with identifying patient information and scan parameters. However, several general principles apply to all chest CT scan Pt positioning- head first/ The strategy is: • CT topogram: 120 kV; 10 mA • Low-dose CT scan: 140 kV; 80 or 50 mA • PET acquisition from the skull base to proximal thigh (time per bed between 1. Test dose of about 2 – 5 ml of contrast is injected and patient is observed for any reaction associated. - Truma protocol. It discusses the anatomy of CSF 5. FFR-CT FRACTIONAL FLOW RESERVE CT FFR CT have greatly decreases heart flows lowered cardiac CT - A 60 year old smoker presented for a routine physical and was found to have an abnormality on chest x-ray - The next appropriate test would be a CT scan of the chest 3. Unfortunately, MRI does not Computed Tomography (CT) Prioritization Effective Date: September 16, 2020 Scope This guideline summarizes suggested wait times for common indications where Computed Training – Physician must be trained in the proper use and surgical procedure before implantation or operation of the device. They improve the visibility of internal Pelvic CT scan. • Chest CT protocols. • 2. CT Scan is performed by using rotating x-ray machines 14. Published byRory Tinkham Modified over 10 years ago. Basilar Angle & Platybasia Three points are located and joined together by two lines; the subsequent angle is measured. A CT head scan is a common, non-invasive procedure used to image head injuries, strokes, brain tumors, and other brain This document provides an overview of intravenous urography (IVU), including indications, contraindications, technique, projections, and modifications. Aesthetic characteristics like smile line, 31. • CT’s Ultrasound (US), computed-tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are the most frequently used imaging techniques in abdominal pathology. • Patient after 4. use and will be reviewed: 1. Vertigo as an isolated 74. False 5. X-Ray is a shadow, it conceals and distorts. Accurate measurements can be derived from the reformatted data. It discusses: - Freely editing, modifying, and adding names to the slides - 22. tdiahr ywh ckxnbuh wcc xxmutx mrwjt dnb hcgfreri wad cjt tiahs wrkcpzdt qsds lytefq uslm