Raptor claus He drops his packages at regular interval when over land. As soon as it lands I’ll open it, transfer, and hop back on my tame to head to the next one but in the Raptor Claus เป็น Raptor ที่แต่งตัวเป็นซานตาบินอยู่เหนือ ARK ด้วยเลื่อนหิมนะ, และแจกของขวัญให้กับผู้รอดชีวิต Raptor Claus จะปรากฏตัวในแผนที่บินข้าม ARK ในช่วงเวลา Posted by u/zkrantz77 - 5 votes and 8 comments Ark raptor claus tutorial !! Discussion So i tried the raptor claus letter thing and got 3 dinos out of 5 . com/c/beardedmarvel? sub_confirmation=1 Is There Raptor Claus on Aberration? (E69 Aberration)🤣 Subscribe https://www. Reply reply "ARK" Winter Wonderland 5 is underway, and survivors have lots of questions about GachaClaus, RaptorClaus, Mistletoe and more. Desmodus is the best creature for chasing Raptor Claus gift drops--you can land your bat right on the drop and ride it all the way down. We got super busy in life and quit playing for a while, but currently we are downloading Ark Ascended. When the music starts, I fly high into the sky and try to discern the red sleigh or the yellow presents from the stars. (Picture: wikiwiki. or the gifts he drops. But the message that pops up above the screen, but I've never found him himself or anything related to the event, no ground even spawns like in fear evolved's pumpkin patches and graves, no raptor claus creature, I have encountered Gacha Claus tho, can anyone help me find raptor claus (lost island PS4) I keep hearing him be spawned, but can't find him, even though I'm on an argentavis and have a pretty good view when I get way up high. Raptor Claus MIA (Single Player) I'm sure this may have been answered hundreds of times, but I could not find a single solution the last 24 hours so I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm having a problem with him dropping his presents waaaaaay outside the biome boundaries. it's ark winter wonderland time, and time to pit our beloved raptor claus against some rpg action and see if he's killable!!! ☆ old dodorex video: https://ww Here’s some news that’s perfectly splendid -- ARK's Winter Wonderland event has ascended! Better jump in, so you’re not AFK when ol’ Raptor Claus comes around in his sleigh Find a warm spot to write a holiday letter. Fireplace and Tree Event: Set up a bed, crafted Christmas tree (from the smithy), and a fireplace. During the Event, Raptor Claus flies between 0 and 2 o'clock (12midnight-2am) in-game time in a straight line over all maps, This page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Loot tables/Raptor Claus Present}}. For a list of all item spawn codes, see our GFI code list. WARNING Multiplayer is messy unfortunatly ,even tho you do everything right the serv sometimes don't gives gift under the tree . However most of the stuff I’m getting is useless, like lances, pikes, simple pistols, ghillie etc. This page is outdated. It features Raptor Claus sailing across the star-filled night sky, dropping off high-end loot as well as Mistletoe and Coal that you can trade to various new creatures for skins, costumes, items or Where does the raptor Claus spawn? Is there an easy way for me to stop the drops? Do they have light beacons? If so, do they go as high and are as visible as drops? Or do you have to get quite close? Archived post. Thank you!! TL;DR: Will there be a Raptor Claus event in Ascended? Before the winter wonderland update on the 23rd, the gifts raptor claus was dropping were Ghillie and Chitin armor, swords and pikes, crossbows and sometimes blueprints for them along with regular resources and building materials. The talk page may contain more information. You can walk right up to one and access its inventory. SupplyCrate_Gift. 💥 If you are interested in joining my ARK PVE Genesis 2 Server, click the d Raptor Claus (He’s Massive!!) Ark Moments Archived post. ARK: Winter Wonderland was an ARK: Survival Evolved Christmas event. The Chibi-Raptor can be found in Raptor Claus presents during ARK: Winter Wonderland 4. or to kill the event pegos. Top. During this Christmas time event, Raptor Claus flies between 0 and 2 o'clock (12midnight-2am) in-game time in a straight line over all maps, dropping presents containing Mistletoe, Coal, and various resources, loot and blueprints for high-quality equipment. Has anyone had any luck getting stuff like longnecks, shotguns, rex bps etc? The release of Ark Survival Ascended’s Winter Wonderland event transforms the entire game into a holiday-themed sensation that comes with its own rewards and events like the Nice & Naughty system. Want to know how to make the most of RaptorClaus and GachaClaus while collecting every I hit up ragnarok claus a bit and got junk besides a 400% crossbow bp and a premade 270% sword Read on another topic that apparently someone got a rex bp. Click Follow and Support me in the links below:🌟Become a Channel MEMBER🌟https://www. Learn how to summon, locate and use his presents to craft holiday items and get ascendant quality rewards. Escucharás un "jojojo" junto con música navideña. It descends slowly like a beacon drop, but Raptor Claus letter: Dino; Note: players will be able to complete this repetitively; once in-game per day. Raptor claus then crosses the map to the far side in a straight line, occasionally dropping a bright Yellow gift. New comments ARK: Winter Wonderland 3 es uno de los eventos disponibles en ARK: Survival Evolved. the best way to get them that i've found Raptor Claus is a special event in ARK: Survival Evolved that drops presents with random items on the map. Reply reply More replies. Also, it should be noted that it is effectively pointless to search for Raptor Claus on nights that are only 10% long, as the sun will come back If it's still there it'll be the old version of winter wonderland and you won't have the ability to write letters to raptor claus. Popular Discussions View All (4) 2 Nov 27, 2023 @ 3:37pm MAP TutoDS 1 Aug 17, 2016 @ 9:25am Mod ID ? Ragnarr Loðbrók 0 Overview. If you sleep by a Holiday Tree, even better. ly/SUBTOSYNTAC 🔥 TURN ON NOTIFICATIONS BY CLICKING THE “BELL” BUTTON AFTER SUBSCRIBING!New Merch Line! Use Code: SANTA for 10% Off ARK: Winter Wonderland 6 is an ARK: Survival Evolved winter event. This box will not be included. Often, there's also a big announcement accompanied by a festive “Ho-Ho-Ho” sound effect. HELP Does anyone know where raptor claus can spawn on the lost island map? I have searched for a while an haven't seen him from 0:00 to 2:00 Archived post. Edit: Just looked in the old server I have set to deactivate in a few days It's in General, Base settings called ActiveEvent. jp / Studio Wildcard) Once Raptor Claus spawns, players should also hear a distinctive 'Ho Ho Ho!' and receive a message declaring, "Raptor Claus has arrived!!!" accompanied by Raptor Claus เป็น Raptor ที่แต่งตัวเป็นซานตาบินอยู่เหนือ ARK ด้วยเลื่อนหิมนะ, และแจกของขวัญให้กับผู้รอดชีวิต Raptor Claus จะปรากฏตัวในแผนที่บินข้าม ARK ในช่วงเวลา Moreover, Raptor Claus will make more than one trip based on the current percentage of night after midnight. Players must obtain a fireplace to participate (Image: Studio Wildcard) Essentially, each note will request "Santa" to bring you the specific item you requested. See more Raptor Claus is a Santa-like creature in Ark Survival Evolved that drops presents with items and food for players during the Christmas event. 3. Learn how to spot him, where to fly, and what to do with the various ways to get it the easiest is probably to either get the raptor clause drops. Checked multiple surface spots so green, blue and red obi. Class ARK: Survival Evolved update 2. Second warning , don't log off or What loot has everyone got from Raptor Claus? Discussion I have gotten a few useful things - good crossbows and bps and a nice snow owl bp. There will be various items inside like ascendant gear and cryo pods, but also mistletoe and coal. Tags: Event. com/c/beardedmarvel? sub_confirmation=1 Follow and Support me in the links below:🌟Become a Channel MEMBER🌟https://www. Open comment sort options This iteration of Raptor Claus takes random paths across the maps, so you could be getting bad RNG. Best. 0, ARK: Winter Wonderland 3 (288. With the event running we're still getting Gacha Claus and event coloured dinos (dinowipe done to confirm) but no Raptor Claus's. He comes and goes but noting If anybody is on xbox can you see if raptor claus drops presents on single player because i can't seem to see any. He will drop glowing gold presents giving great gear, and mistletoe and coal. The Dev's said it was unique per official map though. is it normal for me to only be able to get to one present drop from raptor claus? My tactic so far has been to just hover right before it spawns, find it, then head for the closest one. Of course, one of the most anticipated events is the Raptor Claus event that sees the return of the popular dinosaur "Raptor Claus will dart across the night sky in his sleigh, air-dropping presents filled with high-end Loot Blueprints (or Coal for naughty Survivors)," according to today's announcement on Steam Raptor Claus Ark Genesis 2In this Episode I chase Down Raptor Claus on Genesis 2. Aparecerá después de las 12:00 de la noche (hora del juego). Got a few saddles with 200+ armour so fingers crossed. You will not get anything even if you kill off the entire carno island thrice. the best way to get them that i've found is to either kill the abominable snowman for 30 each of mistletoe and coal or to find This page is designed to be included in other pages using {{:Loot tables/Raptor Claus Present}}. Collect gifts. 113), ARK: Winter Wonderland 4 (304. New comments cannot be posted. Open comment sort options. I own my own server and have tested both of these. Learn about those topics and get the updated spawn codes you seek. GachaClaus roams around the maps in Winter Wonderland 3 Raptor Claus repartirá regalos en todos los mapas desde su trineo. I have found that the drops begin to fall in front of him so those that are chasing him look down. During the Event, Raptor Claus flies between 0 and 2 o'clock (12midnight-2am) in-game time in a straight line over all maps, dropping presents containing Mistletoe, Coal, and various resources, loot and blueprints for high-quality equipment. Locked post. The snow affect is also gone on the Island. Every midnight, Raptor Claus drops presents across the map for players to gather. atomicboy47 • All I got was a lvl 45 Ovis :( 🔸 Map Extension: Raptor Claus (1. Sort by: Collecting Gifts From Raptor Claus in Winter Wonderland! - ARK: Survival Ascended Extinction LE107Subscribe to us on YouTube: https://www. cheat summon DinoInventory_GachaClausDigestion_C: Copy: Gift Box. Controversial. It can also be hard to spot because it's always daytime on Extinction, but keep looking, and you'll find it! YA ESTÁ POR ACABAR el evento de Navidad y lo estás dejando ir. com/Nylusio Find the trail, and you'll find the Raptor Claus. com/watch?v=FnKurrsPZXc Jurassic Park - https:/ When it’s time for Raptor Claus I fly as high as I can and if you look close enough you will see him. 👉🏼 *Click AQUÍ para ver DESCR What about P+ Raptor Claus? NA-PvE-Ragnarok-PrimPlusCrossArk4, we haven't seen him yet or anything holiday related. A cryo will appear with a random dino, weapon, or armor depending on what you asked for. The presents contain items, ive gotten apprentice xbow and ramshackle riot shield so far, as well as mistletoe's and coal (don't quit know what they're used for) #5. It was added in version 228. My husband and I played the original Ark, and we both loved doing Raptor Claus every Christmas time. Is There Raptor Claus on Aberration? (E69 Aberration)🤣 Subscribe https://www. I strongly suggest making the presents stay until collected or until 2pm. From 0:00 am to 2:00 am, raptor Claus spawns and it will give you an alert for him. If you place in it the mistletoe or coal, ideally in Where is Raptor Claus? I have gone through several cycles now, and get the message that Raptor Claus is here, but haven't found him yet. MOAR ARK: Survival Evolved Gameplay w/ Sl1pg8r! Taming epic Dinosaurs and Funny Moments! Today looks at the new Ark Christmas Winter Wonderland update! Check I see him every night, well not him himself. Here what you need to do to assure a drop on singleplayer and multiplayer . Ahora podrás obtener carbón y muérdago, que puedes vender a cambio de puntos de Raptor claus on lost island . ¡Encuéntralo y sigue su rastro! Este año, los regalos han sido renovados. On the ground wherever parasaurs spawn you can find Gacha Claus. It features several craftable decorative Christmas themed items and at night, Raptor ARK: Winter Wonderland 3 was an ARK: Survival Evolved Christmas event. Beacon UUID: 4ddd548b-52ca-4fc7-ba1c-f6bd480de7ae. 18). He comes and goes but noting So Raptor Claus drops presents that drift downward like a supply drop. I've done it 3 times so far with "slightly nice" and got two pegos and one of those things that lays the golden eggs, forgot the name cuz they're that unimportant to me 😐😂 i'm having a hard time even finding dinos to get the bar up, lol cheat summon Gacha_Claus_Character_BP_C: Copy: Gacha Claus Digestion. Does he drop presents at all of the surface spots, or just one of them? Archived post. Q&A. Top 1% Rank by size . Therefore, check if the drop is the one that you requested in the Raptor Claus letter or not. What is a GachaClaus? The GachaClaus is a variant of the Gacha which appears during the Christmas event and is considered to be the second “Santa Claus” in the game. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The presents should be easy to see Raptor claus drops HELP First winter wonderland. Help Anyone else have a problem with raptor claus not giving you a gift after you have become super nice? I have had it work twice out of 6 or so times trying, once while super nice and I got a stupid microraptor with all points into food. Give people a chance to find them. Rules. During the Event, Raptor Claus flies between 0 and 2 o'clock (12midnight-2am) in-game time in a straight line over all maps, dropping presents containing Mistletoe, Coal, and various resources, loot and blueprints for high Also going to assume they dont spawn in the overworld if you are in another relm when Raptor Claus spawns. WTF? Raptor Claus typically appears between midnight and 2:00 AM in the morning (server time). Best drop I got to Ark Survival Ascended Winter Wonderland Event has Started and we can request gifts this year! Learn how to send letters to raptor clause!Come join us on our To complete what other have said: raptor claus flies from one random point on the edge of the map to another random point on the opposite side. With a good stamina flying mount try and figure his exact line of travel from both his trail in the sky and Mod: Ark Prime. Raptor Sleighing Winter Beanie Skin. I'm numb to the losses now haha Reply reply More replies More replies. The black box will say "current official event" just click it and select whatever event The Chibi-Raptor is a Chibi-Pet in ARK: Survival Evolved's ARK: Winter Wonderland 4, and available in every event since. Players will have to then place a bed near a Christmas tree and sleep, after This Map Extension adds a Raptor Claus that flies around your ARK from 12AM to 2AM, dropping magical Loot Gifts! Happy Holidays! Map Sublevels Added: TheIsland_RaptorClaus. Returned to the overworld and couldn't find any gifts. ⭐ Be kind to one another ⭐ Do not use any third party programs or hacks Craft the Christmas tree, then craft a note to raptor clause in the fireplace. Now after the update i only get stone tools, clubs, and wooden bows. Last edited by Shejt; Dec 18, Is there a Raptor Claus command? I have looked in the dinos folder in the files where they have put the last few event dinos but I'm not seeing anything for summoning the Raptor Claus and I'm not finding anything through google either. Its successors are ARK: Winter Wonderland 2, added in version 253. cheat gfi I've consistently seen him on the far eastern edge of the arctic biome. It featured several craftable decorative Christmas themed items and at If anybody is on xbox can you see if raptor claus drops presents on single player because i can't seem to see any. Do not add section headers or other elements that depend on page flow. 2) Settings. New. ARK: Winter Wonderland is an ARK: Survival Evolved Christmas event. This item does not have a numerical item ID. The presents will include mistletoe and coal, both of which you can feed ( You came for a tutorial but maybe you might want to check out one of my 100 Days - Gaia - https://www. cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_WW_WinterHatH_Craftable 1 0 0. Share Sort by: Best. ラプトル・クロースは、ARK上空を空飛ぶそりで飛行しサバイバーへ贈り物を落とすサンタの服装をしたRaptorです。 彼は、とりわけ、MistletoeとCoalを含むビーコンをドロップします。ヤドリギと石炭は、SmithyでWinter Wonderlandアイテムを作るために使用できます。 これらのドロップには、現在の Turns out the letter to raptor claus bugs out when you save and exit the game. I think any time you hear the “ho ho ho” after the first one when he arrives each night is him dropping a gift, so I believe you can count Kill aggressive dinos after writing a letter to Raptor Claus, the letters are in the fireplace I think, lay in bed near a Christmas tree and a few minutes past midnight in game, Raptor Claus spawns a present under your tree Reply reply Been on the surface three times now with a couple of tribe mate, got the message that Raptor Claus was there and we never spotted a thing. Instead, you must use the item's GFI code to spawn the item in. When you locate it, get there and loot. The nicer you've been, the better you'll get. Then kill aggressive Dinos to be “nice”. I thought maybe once I saw an orange chain of balls of light, but when I got closer, it was justGone, but it was almost morning. This is my first winter wonderland in Ark, what am I missing besides patience? im on a private server on the Crystal Isles map. 🔹 Gathering x5 🔹 Exp x5 🔹 Taming x5 🔹 Breeding x10 🔹 Max Player Level: 200 🔹 Max Wild dino level: 150 🔹 Unlock ALL tek at player level 200. Cómo obtener regalos exclusivos en ark Ultimate Mobile Edition. it's all just improved drops. This Event can be manually activated with the server console parameter: -activeevent=WinterWonderland. GachaClaus roams around the maps The Chibi-Raptor is a Chibi-Pet in ARK: Survival Evolved's ARK: Winter Wonderland 4, and available in every event since. The GFI code for Chibi Raptor is PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Raptor. Take the mistletoe and coal to a gachaclaus and feed it to them by opening their inventory and putting it in. Raptor Claus is a Raptor dressed as Santa who drops gifts for Survivors during the Winter Wonderland event. Once you find raptor claus when he’s dropping them, he follows a straight line. Path /Game/PrimalEarth/Structures/SupplyCrate_Gift. . Does he only spawn in the wintry areas of the map? Confirmed, no Raptor Claus, looks like they must have removed it from the game files. 1), and ARK: Winter Wonderland 5 (320. Reply reply WC_ChrisW • It's disabled for TotalConversions. [Lost Ark is a big map, yay! :P ] Do Raptor Claus presents glow? Do they last all night, or only when the music is While the GachaClaus alone does not have much at first, you may later encounter the Raptor Claus during the night, which will allow you to get goodies from the GachaClaus. Old. Then rest at your bed (not sure if it has to be close to the tree) at midnight when raptor claus comes. You can see his trail from far away. You can usually see 3-5 on one night in the air before they hit the ground and get covered by the trees/mountains etc. Anyone have any luck finding the command for it? Share Add a Comment. Please help update it if you can. cheat summon DinoInventory_GachaClausDigestion_C. Will Raptor Claus be an event? I tried googling but I couldn’t find anything. Ark Survival Ascended Best Loot Drops From Raptor Claus & How to be SUPER NICE in Ark Survival Ascended (Ark Survival Ascended Fireplace Loot Guide) Super Na 😝 SUBSCRIBE http://bit. Make a letter with mistletoes and coal in the fireplace, choosing a weapon, saddle, armor, or dino. youtube. The second time was all the way naughty and just got the crop plot, poop and Raptor Claus gives gifts to good survivors who leave notes by their fireplace. Raptor claus spawns at maximum height at a random spot on one border of the map at midnight server time (hold H key to see time) You will hear and see the hohoho message when he appears. Raptor Claus Present. Raptor claus nice list bug . 11 kicked off Winter Wonderland 4, which runs on all maps through January 7. They will drop crystals and those give you loot. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. com/channel/UCNSPw-W5YmP3wLJnA16Q5hA/join🎮Join My Discord🎮 https:// RAPTOR CLAUS LOOT IS OP! HOW TO GET ALL OF THE NEW ITEMS! - Ark: Winter Wonderland#hindi #hindigaming #arkhindi #india #ark #arkmobile #mythicxgaming #gaming I know that Raptor Claus only drops his presents on the Abberation surface, but me and my friend have yet to see a single one of his presents up there. Learn how to spot, open, and use the gifts, and how to spawn Raptor Claus with The Raptor Claus Drops the presents around the Christmas tree and sometimes above the tree. ) Problem: Raptor Claus doesn't spawn o ฟอร์ด มอเตอร์ คัมปะนี (Ford) เผยภาพคอนเซปต์รถคันเดียวในโลก Ranger Raptor North Edition “ ฟอร์ด เรนเจอร์ แร็พเตอร์ นอร์ธ เอดิชัน ” ที่คาดว่าจะพร้อมผลิตและส่งมอบ There is no raptor claus period, on any map. 0. It is the sequel to ARK: Winter Wonderland 5 that took place in 2020. ARK: Winter Wonderland 2023 is the Christmas in-game event in 2023 [1] for ARK: Survival Ascended. Derezzed_7 The loot for raptor claus is unique per map, TheIsland is the same as deep sea drops i believe, The Center & Scorched Earth seems to have not been discussed yet. Got the Chibi again today from chasing Raptor claus around the map and ended up taming a 101 and 95 argy and bread a 106 from them so will have a better argy when they grow up now anyway. You need to wait until raptor claus departs again to send a proper letter. Gametype: PC, Single Player, quality of life mods ( s+, clear water, etc. It is the sequel to ARK: Winter Wonderland 7 in 2022 for ARK: Survival Evolved. Keep an eye on the sky Raptor claus drops presents, you cant kill him hes above the map border. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot Raptor Claus. While Raptor Claus doesn't have a set spawn location, it will often spawn at the edges of the map. Sending a various ways to get it the easiest is probably to either get the raptor clause drops. com/channel/UCNSPw-W5YmP3wLJnA16Q5hA/join🎮Join My Discord🎮 https:// Finally find raptor Claus, it's 1am, get to presents by 215 and they decay by 230 before I can collect because it always spawns above a million wyverns. The Bottom Line. I did return close to 3am which is the time that he despawns. I made a tutorial on raptor Claus comment below what you would like to see next!#arksurvivalevolved #christmas #gaming #ark #loot #Raptorclaus #ark#arksurviv Raptor Claus only comes out during winter wonderland in December, regardless of whether you turn the event on or not Reply reply Different_Duck6927 • My friend who had a server had the event active in the middle of summer and raptor claus would spawn With raptor clause it is best to have a fast flyer. aplm xxuos plfbait fbofq igznje kstt fnf najn cizhaxb zguusp njpml garx gsqkeh ffa whlws