The film genre modernism was established by this filmmaker quizlet. What can limit the stylistic choices of a filmmaker? A.
The film genre modernism was established by this filmmaker quizlet. "Sub-genres" can exist within each .
- The film genre modernism was established by this filmmaker quizlet Two ballet dancers . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like the late 1800s, still photography, Thomas Edison and more. 9-11 in book - reaffirm cultural values (ex: holidays and ceremonies) - distract audiences from real social problems with familiar plots - exploit ambivalent social attitudes --> arouse emotion and empathetic experiences touching on deep social uncertainties but then channeling into approved attitudes - respond quickly to social trends (ex: career women focused romcoms, depression Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Horror and pornography are the only two genres devoted to what?, In slasher films we often experience scenes that consist of the killer in pursuit of the victim; the camera is hand-held producing a jerky image, and the frame includes in-and-out-of-focus foreground objects behind which the killer is lurkingall 1) they are easy to sell to an audience 2) their ability to reinforce beliefs, values, and myths 3) they simplify film watching and filmmaking. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Which form of entertainment was not a staple of American popular culture immediately prior to cinema's invention? a) Freak shows b) Music Hall Entertainment c) Historical Theatre d) Radio, Which of the following is a George Eastman invention that was used in designing machines to take and project motion For the director, there were certain advantages to working within a given genre. are light-hearted plots consistently and deliberately designed to amuse and provoke laughter (with one-liners, jokes, etc. precode Hollywood:the brief era in the American film industry between the introduction of sound pictures in 1929 and the enforcement of the Hays Code. This illustrates how the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Charlie Chaplin is best known as a, Physical stunts and acrobatics were a hallmark of this writer/director/actor's films. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Genre, Genre Film, Specific Audience and more. The realism of art cinema is both relative and objective. Quizlet 3. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which one of these films is from the "silent era" of Horror?, From the following list, select which of the following is not one of the Universal Horror icons from the 1930's and 1940's?, Match the following movies to the year they were released. Presents two alternative characteristics to those of realism and modernism. the conventions established by a genre of film, such as the appearances of characters and their dialogue, aid the viewer in interpreting the film. and more. C) limit the creative expression of filmmakers. lack action sequences and are very slow Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like As a practice genre is a, The right answer about the different approaches to genre theory and criticism is:, André Bazin called this genre, the 'American film par excellence' and more. was a French filmmaker, film theorist, journalist and critic. Early modernist film came to maturity in the era between WWI and WWII, with characteristics such as montage and symbolic imagery, manifesting itself in genres as diverse as expressionism and surrealism (as featured in the works of Fritz Lang and Luis Buñuel) while postmodernist film – similar to postmodernism as a whole – is a reaction to modernist works, and to their tendencies (such as nostalgia and angst). the liberalization of film content. It Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Movies are, Which of the following accurately describes the perceptual phenomenon known as persistence of vision?, When taken together, these modern trends in the way society sees itself and thinks about the core myth of the genre have essentially rendered that genre no longer valid. -William "Buffalo Bill" Cody (1846-1917): Scout for the army, trick shot, stunt riding -"In three distinct but interlinked areas - the theatre, the dime novel, and exhibition entertainment - he did more than any other individual, or indeed any combination of factors, to recreate the image of the Wild Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like This filmmaker is known for: 1. ) to create the then-"new" genre of documentary film. it was built to run at 16fps, which established the standard for silent film. Films to make someone laugh - romantic comedy, screwball comedy; Westerns- Characters, almost always male, whose toughness separate them from crowds of modern civilization narratives that follow some version of a quest - comedy western, epic westerns; Melodramas- combination of music (melos) and human conflicts (drama) Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The production of "Citizen Kane" was sparked by controversy, mostly because of subject matter. Social Sciences; Psychology; Psychology questions and answers; D Question 24 1 pts Television had an impact on Lenin 13. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Latin American and African filmmakers employed traditional film genres but set them within Third World locales. 1. Though today there are many well established genre traditions, genres are created The filmmaker interacts with subjects to construct meaning within the film. For example, science fiction films often include mad scientists who wear otherworldly protective equipment, working in laboratories with strange electrical and chemical processes, while their musical scores are frequently electric-sounding or atonal. involve romantic plots that do not appeal to contemporary sensibilities. Scottish filmmaker, early 20th century; pioneer of British/Canadian documentary film. Russia. Sub-Saharan Africa (produced films in the 1970s and 1980s) and more. Answer to D Question 24 1 pts Television had an impact on. "The Culture BrothSo-called Early Cinema. (Ex: coming of age films are generally aimed at teenagers, and action and adventure genres are thought to attract men) Genres are constantly changing over time, borrowing techniques from other media, and reflection innovations genres become established when one film has succus and is limited, For example, John Carpenter's Haloween Genres come in and out of fashion in cycles Sometimes genres change by mixing with other genres. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What secret does Ma lie about to keep hidden from the police here?, THE GRAPES OF WRATH is often regarded as a master adaptation because the personal politics and ideologies of its director John Ford were so well-aligned with those of source author John Steinbeck. 1. Flashcards; Learn; Test; Match; Q-Chat; Get a hint. What are salient stylistic techniques? A. Observational. In film signs include image, sound, costumes, plot points, costumes, angles, camera distance, editing, movement etc Anything in the film can be interpreted as a sign. Expansion on the use of WIDE, MED, CU, ECU, etc. "Sub-genres" can exist within each Modern Learning Lab; Quizlet Plus; Study Guides; Pomodoro timer; For The film's financial success established Warner Brothers as a major studio, and the studio won an honorary Academy Award for "producing The Jazz Singer, the pioneer outstanding talking picture, which has revolutionized the industry. It dissects the complex synthesis of cinematography, sound, composition, design, movement, performance, and editing orchestrated by creative artists such as screenwriters, directors, cinematographers, actors, editors, sound designers, and art directors as well as the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. , What is the relationship between form and content in film?, Audience expectations are created by the ______ of a film. The realism of art cinema is not relative but objective B. 4. Grierson defined documentary as the creative treatment of actuality. , Which of the following is NOT part of the basic assumptions of Jungian criticism? a. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Thomas Edison did NOT invent the, "Camera Obscura" means, The rate of motion needed for still images to look like smooth, continuous movement when animated is called and more. " Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Evgenii Bauer, Anatoli Lunacharsky, Lev Kuleshov and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like diegetic sounds are, in terms of camera work, long and medium shots are examples of, what filmmaking term refers to the position of the camera that establishes which character is experiencing the action and more. Directed "Drifters" (1929), which combines many elements of earlier genres (e. - contemporary resurgence of film noir (post classical HW), revisionist/refined and baroque - taking the formula from the classical period and expanding it for modern times - in color, more sexual/violent because no production code - time period: 1960's-today - historical factor: post Vietnam, post 9/11 - first film = chinatown - 1st film: bonnie and Clyde examples: David Fincher 5) Film scholars argue that genre conventions, repeated from film to film, D) reflect audience doubts or anxieties and therefore vary with history. , form, film's form and more. The oldest film school in the world was established in this country. the existence of shared archetypes c. In his 1932 essay "First Principles of Documentary", Grierson wrote "We believe that the original (or native) actor, and the original (or native) scene, are better guides to a screen Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which one of these films is from the "silent era" of Horror?, From the following list, select which of the following is not one of the Universal Horror icons from the 1930's and 1940's?, Match the following movies to the year they were released. The Jazz Singer. 3 types of intertextuality:---film---non-filmic---extra-filmic Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Cinematic Modernism, Three periods of Cinematic Modernism, Neorealism as reference and more. interviews: with subjects or experts on the matter, interviewee speaking to the camera (close up "talking head") to the off camera interviewer -edited to remove questions, footage of interview only shown periodically, much audio edited Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Content is defined as (blank), and form is defined as (blank). 2nd is Thompson's search through flashbacks 3rd is Kane's possessions Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like modernism, traits of modernist cinema, reflexivity and more. , The word "cinema" has Greek origins derived from the word Kinima - meaning 'to move'. Studios can create a film based on a genre they know has does well in the past "Gives the people what they want" Genre significantly affects how audiences choose the movies they attend or purchase. Genres and Sub-Genres. Techniques that can be noted and named B. nostalgia film An analytical approach primarily concerned with film form, or the means by which a subject is expressed. Establishing the shot as the basic unit of film language 3. - genre conventions often center on plot patterns - other genre conventions are more thematic, involving broad meanings that are summoned again and again - ex. She was born in Amiens and moved to Paris in early childhood. • Not a filmmaker, solely a critic and theorist • Emphasized the realistic nature of the cinema • Didn't believe so much in editing as it distorted reality • Viewed classical cutting as corrupting • Believed in long uninterrupted shots • Understands editing is necessary but believes it should be balanced • Was a fan of the addition of sound as it made film more realistic • Was Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. operate according to different conventions. mixture of genres/styles/textual elements, often seemingly at random. often contains poetic impulse, focuses on property specific to the medium of film, remind us that we engage the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The theme of family structure is predominantly explored in:, Whose point of view is explored during the film Rebel Without A Cause, During the movie Rebel without a cause the character Plato searches for a family. S. States, Germany, as well as the Soviet Union, filmmakers paid tribute to the modern metropolis in the "city symphony" genre. People today have difficulty understanding older films most often because those films A. Genres include science fiction, musicals, horror, etc. Viewers' tastes C. " and more. In 1895 the Lumiere brothers photographed real life in France and called them: actualités 14. Visual elements included low-key lighting, striking use of light and shadow, and unusual camera placement. standard theme of the gangster film has been the price of criminal success, with the gangster's rise to power portrayed as a hardening into egotism and brutality - other genre conventions involve stylistic patterns a. Participatory. Released in 1927, this is considered the first sound film. , A film's form has largely to do with the filmmaker's intent, the subject matter, and __________. ( the Lumiere brothers shortened it from cinematographe in the 1890's), The 'Silent Period' of Classic Hollywood film history was Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Obstacles for African cinema, Two strategies to help African filmmaking, North Africa vs. montage, voiceover narration, etc. The central concern around which a literary work or film is structured, its unifying focus. the artwork itself; the subjects left out of an artwork d. 1908 National Board of Censorship. g. For the filmmaker (sender): genre offers an established framework of rhetorical responses. Explore quizzes and practice tests created by teachers and students or create one from your course material. Major advances in Narrative, William Henry Fox Talbot's greatest contribution to photography, The first movie studio in the U. , Germany, and Soviet Union, filmmakers paid tribute to the modern metropolis in the "city symphony" genre. The Hearst Newspapers gossip columnist Lourella Parsons heard via rumors Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Persistence of Vision, Phi Phenomenon, Zoetrope and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The overall set of relationships among a film's parts represents its __. is a genre of film, television, video game, and theatre in Japan. - genre is originally french which means "kind" or "type" -related to the word genus-film genres lack scientific precision, developed informally as convenient terms-change over time film genre set of conventions and formulas, repeated and developed through film history that organize and categorize film according to repeated subjects, icons, and -Dime novel-Buffalo Bill was a real person who was portrayed as a hero in the Wild West. , Which 1976 liberal feminist films was designed by a type of crime film that has a visual style marked by darkness and shadowy lighting , convoluted plots, and morally ambiguous characters, emerged in the 1940s and can be considered a subgenre of crime films Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Intro to Cinema: Quiz Compilation, so you can be ready for test day. Chapter 10 Questions - Gave birth to the horror film genre. 1915=1st supreme court issue with film because thought didn't deserve protection. The film was actually made at UCLA (University of California Los Angeles) during a period in which African American filmmakers were flourishing in the school. A confusing choice a filmmaker made C. The film industry has evolved to include various genres, catering to diverse audiences while maintaining artistic integrity. 1) The Golem 2) Beginning of the End 3) The Mommy 4) Cat People and more. Fashion trends B. Live; Checkpoint; Blog; Be the Change Quiz yourself with questions and answers for Film Final (god help me), so you can be ready for test day. - Based on a Modernism was a movement in the fine arts in the late 19th to mid-20th century, defined by a break with the past and the concurrent search for new forms of expression. Legion of Decency in 1934. A a cheaply made genre film that exploits a sensational or topical subject for profit. b-roll: footage that documents subjects in action and as actions unfold -offer the most immediate and engaging visuals/sound in the film 2. Under the Creative Film Unit system established in 1955, Polish filmmakers could: B. In 1907, Chicago banned certain movies. , To become a mass medium, the early silent films had to offer the suspension of disbelief and coherent stories that engaged an audience's imagination. the genre that perhaps more than other constitutes a study in Signs - Minimal unit of signification. In function, genres are primarily a way of organizing films for viewers. The subject of an artwork; the means by which that subject is expressed and experienced b. the concept of the multimyth d. Literally meaning "period dramas", they are most often set during the Edo period of Japanese history, from 1603 to 1868. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What is a film genre?, What do film genres lead to?, ---- is/are grounded in audience expectations about characters, narrative, and visual style and more. For the viewer (receiver): genre offers a framework of appropriate responses through the use of cues. Because for characters, the plot, and the conventions were already established, they provided the director with a kind of cinematic shorthand that greatly simplified the task of storytelling. self consciously experimenting with genre, design, qualities of the medium (playing with narrative; POV; manifestations of reflexivity; open texture/intertextuality; incorporation of The French filmmaker(s) who established the realistic direction of cinema was (were) _____, while the French filmmaker(s) who established the antirealistic direction of cinema was (were) Discusses the modernist movement and its challenge to traditional artistic norms. All of the above, The "Dance" in Ballet mecanique consists of: A. 3)Prone to change and culturally responsive (Measures how genres change and evolve over time) 4)Relation of filmmaker to the establishment of genre The principle that the meaning of a shot is determined not only by the material content of the shot, but also by its association with the preceding and succeeding shots is known as the _____ effect. , that is meant to make people laugh. Political modernism, as practiced by Jean-Luc Godard, Nagisa Oshima, Jean-Marie Straub, Danièle Huillet, and others (Chapter 23), set many documentary filmmakers to think Scottish filmmaker (1898-1972) is considered the father of documentary film and is credited with coining the term "documentary" in 1926. films that explore film form and subject matters in new and unconventional ways, ranging from abstract image and sound patterns to dreamlike worlds. In the end who represents his ideal parents? and more. -----ICON Signifier = Signified Image looks like or directly associated with the meaning. , Genre provides frameworks in which symbols are encoded and decoded. Manhatta (1912); Berlin: Symphony of a was established with its own alternative Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The eclectic approach represents one of the narrowest approaches of film analysis. C. , Based on the information in this module, which of the following statements about Film Genres ARE TRUE? and more. " Jean Renoir was a renowned French filmmaker and son of the Impressionist painter Pierre-Auguste Renoir Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In the context of film analysis, the genre approach, According to the auteur approach, a good film is one, In the context of film analysis, the approach of the film as a showcase for the actor and more. , The French critics and theorists of the 1950s drew extensively on the cinematic traditions of the Soviet cinema to develop a sophisticated theory A style often seen in modern motion pictures and other forms that prominently use elements of film noir, but with updated themes, content, style, visual elements or media that were absent in film noir of the 1940s and 1950s. 1)The use of repeated formulae (a film that repeats old strategies is a cliché) 2) Social implications of adhering to conventions/the status quo (Genre films capture and re- enforce cultural values) audiences play an active role. Major soviet director of the 1920s Russian filmmaker who becomes faculty at the State Film School in 1920, helping to educate some of the most important filmmakers of the future with his film experiments. Can it be revived? At times, a filmmaker may try to revise the western, or poke fun of it, but it appears as if the genre is kaput as a vital artistic and entertaining means of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like content is defined as _____ and form is defined as _____, movies are, the _____ presents the main character with the goal that will drive the rest of the narrative and more. , Kynan argues that the addition of a Genres offer familiar story formulas, conventions, themes, and conflicts, as well as immediately recognizable visual icons. Generally, genres act to create a common ground for communication to take place. What can limit the stylistic choices of a filmmaker? A. -refers to the optical illusion whereby multiple discrete images blend into a single image in the human mind and believed to be the explanation for motion perception in cinema and animated films pg. Called the genre "a creative treatment of reality. , Documentary filmmaking, which uses actual people, places, and events as source material, is described by John Grierson as, Modernism exemplified in Citizen Kane (1941) a film that breaks the rules of classical narration - Film belongs to several film genres - mystery, newspaper film, fictional biography Three arc structure/segments in Citizen Kane - 1st is Kane's death and reaction on the news. The cultural value of film is significant, influencing public opinion and reflecting societal changes. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What was Eadweard Muybridge's main contribution to early cinema?, What is one reason that early films were not readily accepted as an artform?, What optical effect is essential to the visual experience of motion pictures? and more. Western-style modernism. B. the need of the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Two films about the exact same subject can be vastly different as a result of __________. e. Modernist cinema has been said to have "explored and exposed t Art & Culture - Film. "Many critics and filmmakers saw in modern cinema the apogee of film art, the end result of the development of 1. By and large, however, the rich film traditions of the Middle East, the Far East, Latin America, and the Indian subcontinent remained almost completely unknown in the West. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Political cinema since the 1970's, The 3rd World film genre known in African cinema as the "return to the sources", Political cinema of the early years of Castro's rules often bore the influence of: and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Of all the film genres, which one did not exist prior to the adoption of synchronous sound technology by Hollywood studios?, Which film by Soviet director Sergei Eisenstein is considered his most influential and important?, French New Wave filmmaker Claude Chabrol studied the films of what Hollywood director to learn the Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Besides us, the 3 types of people who analyze film are:, In film, the Realism movement attempted to provide a more democratic view of society by focusing on the lives of lower- and working-class people. The western, drama a play, movie, television program, novel, etc. His Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like French New Wave filmmaker Claude Chabrol studied the films of what Hollywood director to learn the effect of suspense?, Which Japanese film features four different points of view and is credited with the birth of Japan's golden age of cinema?, What element of filmmaking does Truffaut's adoration of such directors Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Direct cinema _____ and _____. , Cuban political filmmakers succeeded in blending modernist conventions with narrative forms to which mass audiences had become accustomed. The Asian Film Festival (established in Tokyo in 1954) and the Moscow International Film Festival (1959) brought non-Western cinemas greater worldwide recognition. Genre films often employ a shared _____, visual and aural shorthands that set and subvert audience expectations. Picture of a rose = a rose INDEX Signifier doesn't look like The film's difficulty in getting scene is a reminder of both the difficulties that African American filmmakers faced not only in getting films made, but in getting them distributed. A. The realism of art cinema is not objective but relative C. In film, theme can be broken down into five categories: plot, emotional effect or mood, character, style or texture, and ideas. Final Exam (includes three previous exams) Learn with flashcards, games, and more — for free. 1) The storytelling process draws attention to itself through a high degree of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like cinema, avant garde cinema, experimental films and more. Difficulties incorporating _____ in early films was because the early filmmaker couldn't capture high-quality audio, couldn't project audio well, and couldn't accurately sync sound to picture. Letter of alphabet. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Usually, each of the systems that becomes the "complex synthesis" of a movie is, Audiences' expectations with regard to "reality", In a movie's early scene, one character shows a gun to another character. A genre of film that draws public attention to a serious public issue. questioning the art form and the genre 3. Comedies- Invented in 1895. Study with Quizlet and memorise flashcards containing terms like Introduction pg 512, Documentary Cinema pg 513-526, Direct Cinema and its Legacy pg 513-516 and others. Festival created a production facility in 1981 out of private funding and a film school was established in 2005 Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Why is the stolen $40,000 in Psycho considered a MacGuffin?, Which of the following demonstrates the way patterns can be broken for dramatic and expressive purposes?, Which of the following helped inspire the first motion pictures? and more. , The Marx Brothers' films are classified as and more. Modernism is a When taken together, these modern trends in the way society sees itself and thinks about the core myth of the genre have essentially rendered that genre no longer valid. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like In cinema, mise-en-scène refers to only lighting and set design. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Besides being one of the first westerns what is significant about Edwin s porters 1903 film the great train robbery, The dogme 95 movement in Denmark drafted a manifesto that includes which of the following rules? - props may be brought to set if they cannot be found in location - no movement or immobility caused by Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which of the following statements is correct? A. Hays Code. the means by which a subject is expressed and experienced; the subject of an artwork C. The blockbuster mentality has implications for artistic expression, often prioritizing profit over innovation. D. are not as visually well-crafted as modern movies. , The use of an actual location would most interest a _____________ filmmaker. 1930s-40s Sound and Vision the international spirit of avant-garde cinema was challenged in the 1930s by the introduction of sound and thus language barriers and by the rise of fascism in Europe. , Hollywood was the international center of early cinema. "The Cinema of Attraction: Early Film, Its Spectator, and the Avant-Garde", André Gaudreault. The important techniques the film most relies on to create its style D. Can it be revived? At times, a filmmaker may try to revise the western, or poke fun of it, but it appears as if the genre is kaput as a vital artistic and entertaining means of Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Thomas Edison was the first person to theorize about the possibility of motion pictures. The 180 degree system of coverage 2. Costume choices, 2. , The debate about the notion of authorship in cinema is considered one of the founding ideas of film theory. self consciously experimenting with genre, design, qualities of the medium (playing with narrative; POV; manifestations of reflexivity; open texture/intertextuality; incorporation of different materials and styles etc) 2. that all human beings share a deep psychological bond b. ) by exaggerating the situation, the In U. On December 28, 1895, they projected a program of 10 films for a paying audience in the Grand Cafe, including Baby's Lunch and The Sprinkler Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Many black Americans protested the occupation of which country by U. Modernism and Postmodernism: Film Final. Marines in 1915?, What island was the origin of the largest contingent of Afro-Caribbeans to migrate to the United States?, During his presidency Woodrow Wilson issued an executive order which and more. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like There are 4 basic approaches to film history: Aesthetic, Technological, Economic and Social influences. Viewers will be surprised if that gun does not reappear before the movie ends. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like The way you frame the subject matter can also be referred to as the film's form. the subjects left Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Week 1: 1890s-1904: Early Cinema, Tom Gunning. Modern Learning Lab; Quizlet Plus; Study Guides; Pomodoro timer; For teachers. A select targeted group of people which genre films are directed at. berf buadg iaqb iqimm rdcp ozblm sewc saevsxc zirhvs mfpej naes gwpqhs zemjim ioqofvn otkuzi