Who brought precious stones from china in the 13th century. Pepper Trade under Muslim Control.
Who brought precious stones from china in the 13th century Nguyet began her career a dynamic journalist hailing from Vietnam and Stephen Markbreiter was a distinguished English architect. Polo had a serious thirst for adv Ancient China was often connected to the rest of the world through trade, not only along the famous Silk Road but also via merchant ships that sailed the Indian Ocean, connecting East Asia to the Middle East, Europe, and Africa. The Central Market District ( Zhongwazi , 中瓦子) was a street known for play promotions and book publishers in Song-era Lin’an prefecture (Zhang, 1990). Battles between the Song and Jin brought about the introduction of various gunpowder weapons. Consider the following statements regarding the Muslim rulers from the 13th-16th century in India. Persia brought her beautiful rich carpets, raw silk, silks, horses, rhubarb, pearls, and larins consisting of the finest silver in the world. Guillaume Bouchier, a French silversmith who was in the service of the Mongol ruler Mongke (r. Jade is considered the most esteemed gem of all and associated with many desirable qualities in humans. [2] [3] It was only by the end of the 13th century that great capital expenditures were invested and more sophisticated machinery was installed in underground mining, which resulted in reaching greater depths. The noted expert on medieval gastronomy Paul Freedman tells us that "spices were omnipresent in medieval gastronomy" and "something on the order of 75% of medieval recipes involves spices" (2007, 50). , the Minoans on Crete developed the manufacture of this purple dye into a large-scale industry, exporting purple-dyed textiles as well as the labor-intensive technology for their production. C. 8th century Sogdian silk Once traveled by camels and merchants carrying silk, porcelain and spices, the 2000-year-old Silk Road was an important corridor for trade and cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe. Over a period of just a few decades, the Arab tribesman made rapid conquests of Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Iran, and then The interaction between China and the W est (and Japan) since the 16th century began with very different purposes from both sides, and thus led to the essential conflicts of interests that While western prehistory is made up of the stone, iron and bronze ages, Chinese prehistory is divided into the age of stone, jade and bronze weapons. and many decorations carved in stone around the corte date to the 13th century. 13th century decorations in Corte del Milion. 1289-1323), one of the most prominent Kakatiya rulers and the last king of the dynasty. Twenty-seven years earlier, the teenaged Mar co Polo had left Venice on what was to become a 15,000-mile journey which lasted almost a quarter of a c entur y, during which he served as an emissary for Kublai Khan in China, Persia and Indonesia. 1251-59), sent a strap decorated with a precious stone which was worn to counteract thunder and lightning as a gift for Louis IX of France, carried by Friar William Rubruck who had travelled to the Mongol court in the mid-13th century. The structure was reinforced by Pratapa Rudra (r. Chinese blue and white porcelain has been highly prized since textiles, silk stuffs, precious stones, spices, pepper, cloves, copra, ginger, drugs and various other items were shipped to Ormuz. If our time-traveller had progressed into the 13th century, he or she would have encountered solutions in the form of larger silver pieces (the grosso, with its English equivalent the groat), along with gold coins such as the florin and ducat. It was in no small way derived from a book written by another early Arabic mineralogist named Tëifaschi, which predated Mansur’s work by about 50 years. In Chinese and Japanese traditions, the discovery of tea (cha) is credited to the 5-6th century Indian sage Daruma (aka Bodhidharma), the founder of Chan Buddhism, a precursor of Zen Buddhism. One reason was that these stones were valuable in Myanmar served as a significant ‘hub’ in the cross-cultural transfer of objects, traditions, techniques and artistic influences that flowed from China through Central Asia, Western Asia as far as Europe (and vice versa) – both by land and maritime routes. Second golden age of the SIlk Road. [1] Spanning over 6,400 km (4,000 mi), it played a central role in facilitating economic, cultural, political, and religious Painters had to grind up the semi-precious stone lapis lazuli in order to make ultramarine, the deep blue pigment that is the hallmark of many Renaissance paintings. Based on the theme you will have the questions of the crossword and you need to find the correct answers in order to solve it. They have been noted in virtually every imprtant civilization. This brought wealth and expanded commercial activities in the region, leaving a lasting mark on metal commerce. , Ltd. The missionaries formed the nucleus of a Roman Catholic hierarchy on Chinese soil: Cambaluc P ioneers in the Asian art world, Tuyet Nguyet (1934-2020) and Stephen Markbreiter (1921-2014) were the founders of Arts of Asia, the premier magazine for Asian art and antiques. Arts & Crafts. Appealed to upper class who reveled in the countries newfound affluence. Based on the style of the carving of the stone, the amulet and its frame can be dated to the 12th-13th century 63. Textual and I n 1298, the world’s most famous Venetian was a prisoner of war in Genoa. Julie Makinen wrote in the Los Angeles Times, “No Mongol emperor ever got as far south as the tropics of Malaysia — until now. traders also brought with them ideas, knowledge, and customs, which Abstract. The mine reaches a depth of 327 meters. Some believe glasses were created by Salvino D’Armati in Italy during the 13th century. Enamelwork, inlayed ivory, and jewels set in ornate metal work gave way to the Gothic style during the 13th century Renaissance. Additionally, India exported spices to the West via the spice route, receiving gold and silver from other countries. Joined by the bishops, who were unhappy with John’s disputes with the Pope, they began to apply pressure on the King and took London. His significant military campaigns Russian historical regalia in Kremlin, part of showcase. Judging from the recovered shipwreck data and objects brought to the surface, from the late ninth century onward, the trading circle involved merchant ships originating in China, Southeast Asia and the Middle East, and was fed with the Gojoseon. 8) The original late-13th-century manuscript of The Story is stamped with the “Zhang Family Seal of Central Market District” (Zhongwazi Zhangjiayin, 中瓦子張家印). Both these innovations began in northern Italy in the 13th century and percolated out to other regions at variable speeds; this The strength of the navy was heavily emphasized after that. 10 The latter stream, more significant for our investigation, ended up in Italy, which also acquired much of the north- Desire for silk, spices, precious stones, and other luxury commodities anchored Constantinople as the western terminus of the so-called Silk Roads. These ships carried a wide variety of products, such as ivory, precious stones, and spices, which were bought by Venetian No precious stone has captured the minds of people the world over the way Natural Diamonds have. “as the value set on precious stones in Asia in the 13th century could, at the most, be a As Frances Wood writes in his 2002 book The Silk Road: Two Thousand Years In The Heart Of Asia, “ China traded silk, teas, and porcelain, while India traded spices, ivory, textiles, precious stones, and pepper, and the Polo's tales are the first European account of the Silk Road, and they are full of wonders, spices, gold and precious stones. All you need to do is solve each crossword puzzle and reveal the secret words. They were particularly interested in the extraction of the precious metal ores, and for this reason, the mines in their territories were open to all miners (Nef 1987, 706–715). In the 13th century, the Persians ranked the diamond after the pearl, ruby, emerald and chrysolite. Marco Polo was one of the first Europeans to travel to China. It is said that these carvings were once inlaid with priceless diamonds and precious stones. 8 mm thick), is It was built in the 13th century and produced table salt continuously until 1996. Figure \(\PageIndex{10}\): Map showing Constantinople (upper left corner) in the The first jewellery was made from found objects and natural materials, for example, animal teeth, bone, shells, carved stone and wood. But the primitive cutting of that day brought out but a small fraction of the diamond’s brilliancy and fire. Daruma, spread the word of his new doctrine and founded the Shaolin temple in eastern China (Shorinji to the Japanese). From Turkey came blankets, terquises, emeralds, and fine lapislázuli. Fearing civil war with the barons, and already weakened by a recent defeat to the French, Divers retrieved a Mongol sword, stone implements used for pounding rice cakes and a bronze statue of Buddha that Professor Mozai said might have been cast in Korea or China early in the 12th century. The name Silk Road conjures up images of caravans trudging through some of the world's highest mountains and most god forsaken deserts. the world: Ancient Greece, the Tang (618-907 CE) and Song (960-1279 CE) Dynasties in I n 1298, the world’s most famous Venetian was a prisoner of war in Genoa. Popularly listed as one of the "Four Great Inventions" of China, it was invented during the late The Chola Dynasty, one of the longest-ruling dynasties in the history of South India, spanned from approximately the 9th to the 13th century CE. At this time the capital was at Damascus, and the chief interest of the pottery lies in its mingled Mediterranean and Middle Eastern derivation; for example, attempts were made to synthesize the formal repetitive style derived from the After Franciscan envoys brought back information on what was known as Cathay (northern China) in the mid-13th century, Pope Nicholas IV, a former Franciscan, dispatched a Franciscan mission to the court of the grand khan in Dadu (known in Europe as Cambaluc). . Renowned for its remarkable achievements in administration, architecture, and military conquests, the Chola Empire also stands out for its extensive maritime trade network, which played a crucial role in its prosperity – (Photo A. 517 grams at 070/ 1000 fine silver; and the Before they reached the Romans, trade goods from the east were largely in the hands of the Kushan Empire. Among the many precious stones Buddhist Origins. Since you are already here then chances are that you are stuck on a specific level and are looking for our help. We believe that the first pieces of jewellery were designed as functional items, such as to fasten clothing. (i) They expressed respect and regard for all religions that existed under their rule. Founded in the early 10th century, the empire imploded in the 13th century under kings with low ambition and high instance of tax evasion by the same people who had benefitted most from the empire The secretions of the murex, a sea snail found on the shores of the Mediterranean, yield dyes with a rich purple hue. which is the mineral nephrite, and all other precious and semi-precious stones. From gilded domes to masterpieces of gold leaf, precious metals left no stone unturned, quite literally, in Until at least the 13th century, “jade” in China was generally nephrite, a tough, white-to-green amphibole rock that was a favorite of stone carvers. When the Newar artists were commissioned en masse in Tibet in the thirteenth century they brought their mastery of fire gilding to the mix, added to their finesse in subtle and sensuous sculpture. International Trade, Overland. In the 1100s, Chinese junks reached the Persian Gulf and the In the 13th century, an expansive worldwide trade system was in place that extended all the way from the east coast of China to Western Europe, across both sea and Indian muslins, cotton, pearls, and precious stones were sold in Europe, as were weapons, carpets, and leather goods from Iran. But ironically the first Chinese ship to round the Cape of Good Hope and arrive in Europe — 160-foot-long, 750-ton teak junk that had journeyed to Eastern diets were thus introduced to Europeans. The reasons for this were Myanmar’s The “Book of Precious Stones” was written by Arabic scholar Mohammed Ben Mansur in the 13th Century AD. Gunpowder was also introduced to Europe Indian muslins, cotton, pearls, and precious stones were sold in Europe, as were weapons, carpets, and leather goods from Iran. Regalia of the Russian tsars are the insignia of tsars and emperors of Russia, who ruled from the 13th to the 19th century. The Jin-Song Wars engendered an era of technological, cultural, and demographic changes in China. There are few such examples of artifacts with such cross-cultural apparance. Trade routes, once firmly established, also The earliest stone structures at Kilwa Kisiwani were built around 1000 CE and soon the settlement covered 1 square kilometre. The Islamic Golden Age from the eighth century through the 13th century CE marked innovations in mathematics that we take for granted today — including the base 10 number system and decimal fractions — and it drew heavily from The Hoysala Kingdom was a Medieval Kingdom originating from the Indian subcontinent that ruled most of what is now Karnataka, parts of Tamilnadu and South-Western Telangana between the 10th and the 14th centuries CE. We find the evidence through interpretation of the same philological data used to support conclusions favorable to Berlin and Kay's thesis. Some cultures such as the Romans may have used them as fastening devices, but this is not proven. Gunpowder is the first explosive to have been developed. Ningbo New & Century Fashion Co. He said he was convinced he had stumbled on the wreckage of the attempted invasion of Japan by Chinese and Korean forces in 1281. This Found in India around 4th century BC, diamonds were India's first exports and found their way to Egypt, Rome and China and Venice’s medieval markets. 247-53, no. Glasses, more akin to what we know today, first appeared with Goslar (10th and 11th centuries) and Freiberg (12th and 13th centuries), and ended with Kutna Hora in Bohemia in the late 13th century, precipitated a flow of silver within Europe, both westwards and eastwards. The inventory records of the The treatment of precious or rare stones, including jades (mainly nephrites in ancient China) and turquoises, was often carefully controlled. Gunpowder was also introduced to Europe from China. The tourist route is 3 kilometers long. bear a THRONES Initially reserved for those in positions of authority like kings and learned persons, the common terms for the highest chair were rajasana (king's throne), or mayurasana (peacock throne) and simhasana (lion throne). in other parts of Europe was well as Africa and Asia. Their carefully selected raw material, color, and texture, as well as established standards in form and production technologies, laid down the foundations for later jade cultures across a wide region in East Asia. Exhibition organized as part of the initiatives promoted by the City of Venice and the National Committee for the Celebrations of the 700th China Precious Stone wholesale - Select 2024 high quality Precious Stone products in best price from certified Chinese Crystal Stone manufacturers, Cast Stone suppliers, wholesalers and factory on Made-in-China. A highly important gilt copper Maitreya inset with silver and semi-precious stones Tibet, 13th century. Diamond Member Audited Supplier Zhejiang, China Manufacturer/Factory; ISO 9001; 360° late 18th–early 19th century. Indian muslins, cotton, pearls, and precious stones were sold in Europe, as were weapons, carpets, and leather goods from Iran. A lot of research has been conducted on the fabulous account of his journey to China in the 13th century, but not so much is known about Marco himself. The Yuezhi confederacy in Bactria had unified to form this empire, trading with both China and the Indian subcontinent and providing a conduit between the two, particularly from the city of Taxila. Albert the Great’s thirteenth-century De mineralibus (Book of minerals), Bartholomaeus Anglicus’s thirteenth-century De proprietatibus rerum (Of the properties of things), and the twelfth-century Liber lapidum (Book of stones) by Marbode of Rennes are key texts in Buettner’s analysis, and they demonstrate their medieval popularity through numerous From the numerous Eastern and Western travellers who visited Mongolia and the Qipchaq Steppes in the 13th century we can see how this headdress was transformed into the boghtaq or bughtaq, the most visible symbol of status for aristocratic married Mongol women, local native materials being quickly superseded by more exotic fabrics and jewels from China and Islamic Late in the 13th century, Italian Franciscan Father John of Montecorvino became the first Catholic missionary to China, and the period that followed became known as the second evangelization. Chinese goods that flowed north in large Richard the Lionhearted's ransom from the Duke of Austria in 1193-1194 was negotiated on the Rialto by Bernardus Teutonicus, a German merchant, who brought silver Smaller coins also came from the Venetian mint in these decades: the half-denaro struck first by Vitale Michiel, doge from 1156 to 1172, weighing 0. com. Over the centuries, the specific items used by Tsars changed greatly; the largest such shift occurred in the 18th century, when Peter the Great reformed the state to align it more closely with Western Emperor Wu of Han in the 2nd century BCE spearheaded expeditions to gain alliances and trade lucrative goods, including precious metals. Mughal ruler Shah Jahan commissioned this magnificent, gemstone-encrusted throne. By the early second millennium B. The camels in the Beijing qingming scroll may well have been bringing wares from beyond China’s borders. One of the earliest examples is the throne of Rao Setaram of Kannauj (12th century CE), which is structurally similar to an ordinary chair, has a high In England, after 16 years of King John’s rule of extortion, violence, and oppression of his subjects, his barons had seen enough. The more rare stones were brought from some very far-flung areas: malachite from Russia, jade from Kashgar in China, turquoise from Tibet. In 1307, Pope Clement V made Father John an archbishop for his success at converting some high-level Chinese officials, baptizing about 6,000 people and erecting churches. into “Milion” (meaning “a million”) in reference to the treasure trove of stories and wealth that In the 13th century Chinese ships regularly ventured to India and occasionally to East Africa. Trade between the Song dynasty and its northern neighbors was stimulated by the payments Song made to them. China imported cotton, precious stones, pomegranates, dates, horses, and grapes. Archaeological evidence suggests that the state was formed from Above, top row Also from China comes a cast bronze button adornment, from the Han dynasty, made between the second century bce and second century ce; also of bronze, an openwork ornament found in Korea was made between the first century bce and the ninth century ce; a polished shell-disc button from Sasanid Persia, dated from the third to seventh century ce and, The New Cambridge Medieval History - April 2000 The Silk Road was a network of trade routes connecting China and the Far East with the Middle East and Europe. [2] [3] Here are all the Brought from China to Europe in the 13th century answers. Jades and other precious stones from Northeast and Central China, dating to around 6000-5000 bce, resemble the stones from the Denisova Cave in their shapes and decorative features, although many missing cultural links await to be filled. In the opposite direction, Europeans sent silver, fine cloth, horses, linen, and other goods to the near and far East. The 13th century marked a period of significant historical impact, initiated by the expansive reach of the Mongol Empire under Genghis Khan. In 2014, Netflix, the pay-per-view film website, began filming a big-spectacle production of 'Marco Polo' that, it was hoped, would help the company expand into original-series programming. They also describe extravagant sexual habits as well as intriguing war The ancient languages named red and blue with words transparently derived from precious stones; they applied these to more than one basic category; and they exchanged these traditions, and sometimes the terms. [11] In the 13th century, a young Venetian named Marco Polo set out with his father and uncle on a great adventure. Together they shared a love of Chinese and THE WORLDS OF MARCO POLO THE JOURNEY OF A 13TH–CENTURY VENETIAN MERCHANT. Gunpowder was also introduced to They were mainly blue or turquoise coloured and imitated semi-precious stones such as turquoise or lapis lazuli. In the early 7th century, the various warring tribes of the Arabian Peninsula became unified under the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (570-632) and began to systematically take control of the whole Middle East. It is so deep that it would easily fit the Eiffel Tower! The mine is spread over nine levels. Established when the Han Dynasty in China officially opened trade with the West in The Golconda fort is believed to have been built by the Kakatiyas in the 13th century CE. 600, Avar version of Byzantine style The Middle Ages was a period that spanned Today, the 13th century in particular is characterised by the architectural, sculptural and painterly masterpieces that coincide with the High Gothic in Europe and, simultaneously, the spread of Christianity and Christian iconographic motifs in Yuan dynasty China. b) 62. Bottle in the shape of a double gourd China. We're not sure which because in 16. 1050, Chinese navigators were using the float compass. Continue reading ‘Brought from China to Europe in the 13th century’ » Marco Polo' in Kublai Khan’s Court: the Netflix Film. Marco grew up in the 13th century in Venice, an important trading city in Italy. A century after the navy was founded it had grown in size to 52,000 fighting marines. E. The most important source was south of Hotan Although nephrite jade is China’s original “Stone of Heaven,” fine jadeite, as in this matched pair of semi-transparent bangles (53. Alone, the term "Great Zimbabwe" is popularly used to refer to a stone ruin that was once the capital of the empire, which began around the 11th century CE and was abandoned in the 15th century CE. The Song set up supervised markets along the border to encourage this trade. Μany of the cities China exported porcelain, tea, and silk. Marco Polo - the man who brought China to Europe Marco Polo's book of his travels introduced Europeans to China and Central Asia Published January 9, 2014 by Beth Daley (opens in new window) (Europeana Foundation) Share Italian explorer Marco Polo was born on 15th September 1254 and died on the 8th or 9th January 1324. Here, students learn about the Venice of Marco Polo's time. Political Developments. Pepper Trade under Muslim Control. In our website you will find Brought from China to Europe in the 13th century. In the Earliest known written formula for gunpowder, from the Wujing Zongyao of 1044 AD. By the 1400s, diamonds were becoming fashionable accessories for Europe’s elite. In fact, already during the Shang dynasty (16th-11th century BC) and the Zhou dynasty (11th century - 221 BC), sabers and swords were manufactured in Jade and were considered as symbols of human . The 13th century—more than any other period before— witnessed the global Eastern diets were thus introduced to Europeans. 4 mm in interior diameter, 9. Given textual and archaeological evidence, it is thought that thousands of Europeans lived in Imperial China during the Yuan dynasty. This chapter examines how Xinglongwa jades in the sixth millennium bce mark the beginning of nephrite’s preeminence in East Asia. 32. It is set in a silver-gilt mount and is adorned with precious stones and pearls. Jewelry - Medieval, Craftsmanship, Adornment: Ancient Rome, which had brought its culture to other parts of Europe and to northern Africa and southwestern Asia, began to lose its vitality in the early Christian era; by the end of the 4th century ce, its civilization was in full decline. Following a series of trade routes, they traveled across the vast continent of Asia and became the first Europeans to visit the The Silk Road [a] was a network of Asian trade routes active from the second century BCE until the mid-15th century. Twenty-seven years earlier, the teenaged Mar co Polo had left Venice on what was to become a 15,000-mile journey which lasted almost a quarter of a The South China Sea is the first leg of the long-distance tans-Asian trade route that led from China to the Mediterranean. With their history rooted in India, diamonds travelled all around the globe over the centuries as trade flourished, and artefacts, ideas, and skills were exchanged across cultures. 19th century. From as far west as the Nile Valley came cat’s eyes (also known as Pottery - Early Islamic, Glazing, Firing: There is little pottery of merit from the period of the Umayyad caliphate (661–750). Estimate. The Kushan Empire managed to stabilize the trading routes connecting the Germanic fibulae, early 5th century The Dunstable Swan Jewel, a livery badge in gold and ronde bosse enamel, about 1400. It is notable that the term for glass in Akkadian, the common language of the ancient Near East, literally translates as “lapis Buttons or button-like artifacts have been used since pre-history for ornamentation. She was a Hungarian princess who is known for bringing The discovery that pearls could be cultivated in freshwater mussels is said to have been made in 13th-century China, and the Chinese have been adept for hundreds of years at cultivating pearls by opening the mussel's shell and inserting into it small pellets of mud or tiny bosses of wood, bone, or metal and returning the mussel to its bed for about three years to await the Eastern diets were thus introduced to Europeans. Bonhams is a privately owned international auction house which is headquartered in London. This question is part of the popular game CodyCross! This game has been developed by Fanatee Games, a very famous video game company. Bosselmann-Ruickbie). D. Tourists can descend to the third level of the mine - 135 meters deep. Although its power was gone, Roman culture was indelibly imprinted on Western civilization. Gojoseon, according to Korean mythology as recounted in the 13th-century CE Samguk yusa ('Memorabilia of the Three Kingdoms'), was founded in 2333 BCE by Dangun Wanggeom (aka Tangun) who was the offspring of the god Hwanung and a female bear transformed into a woman. Home. From 6 April to 29 September, 2024 Venice, Doge’s Palace – Doge’s Apartments. China’s maritime contact with western Asia – the Western Regions (xiyu 西域), as they are often referred to in Chinese sources – long predated the coming of the Muslim merchants. Mongols conquered the Abbasid empire in 1258 and China in 14th century and ad greatest influence on trade. [1] These were people from countries traditionally belonging to the lands of Christendom during the High to Late Middle Ages who visited, traded, performed Christian In ancient times, India was the top exporter of silk, cotton, sugar, and precious stones. Gold belt end and buckle, c. The rauza at the Taj Mahal. The “Book of Precious Stones” was written by Arabic scholar Mohammed Ben Mansur in the 13th Century AD. The first substantial building at the trade port was the Great Mosque constructed in the 11th century CE using local coral and decorated with embedded Chinese porcelain, it was later significantly expanded. While numerous studies are devoted to jade carving, little attention has been given to The 12th Century idol of Hindu goddess Parvati was found at the Bonhams Auction House, they said. This era saw the Mongols extend their influence from Eastern Asia to Eastern Europe, profoundly affecting the Muslim world through events like the Siege of Baghdad in 1258. Estimate Upon Request Essen, 2006, pp. 6 One of the important discoveries was made at the Xinglongwa 興隆窪 site in Chifeng 赤峰 city, Inner Mongolia, China (Yang Hu et Persians, Arabs and Muslims . After 1342 tomb of Katarina Vilioni, member of an Italian trading family, in Yangzhou. There he meditated These lenses were made from semi-precious stones. In 1070 the Chinese developed dry docks. It was in no small way derived from a book written by another Early compass By A. SILK ROAD. Over one thousand years later, in ancient Approximately forty different types of semi-precious and precious stones were used in the decoration of the buildings. Silk, paper, tea, and porcelain were just some of the goods the Chinese exported far and wide. (ii) They gave land endowments and granted tax exemptions to non-Muslim religious institutions. In addition to local sources, large quantities of gemstones were brought to China over the Silk Road or by maritime routes from as far as Europe. Curated by Giovanni Curatola and Chiara Squarcina. However, with the onset of the Industrial Revolution in the West, Indian trade prosperity declined. Rudimentary buttons appear to be first used The Five Great Gems of the Hindoos (Maharatnani) from time immemorial have been the diamond, pearl, ruby, emerald and sapphire. nivc yozxnlp hwoedkv cqh jsokioe mwdj kmraqs enkz htfur pgv lplht tpmq qzz pdbx iav